Chapter 7

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"Izzy wake up" whispers a voice "wake up it's time to train" "No I don't wanna" Izzy rolled over pulling the covers over her head "wakey wakey eggs and baccy" another voice whispers "Bacon?" she asks "yeah Steve made it and-" "you guys are useless, GET UP" a voice that she immediately  recognized as Natasha said the she was pilled out of bed and on to the floor "ouch" Izzy says looking up seeing Natasha and and a giggling Bucky and Sam behind her all wearing training clothes."Breakfast is ready eat get dress meet me in the training room in 45 minutes " Natasha says as she walks away she pulls Izzy covers with her and reveals Izzy's pink fluffy sweater and pink lanced underwear "nice underwear" Bucky says with a smirk before he and Sam had left "I'll save you some bacon"Sam says closing the door. Bacon gave Izzy the motivation she needs to get up and get dress. She dressed in pink sneakers, black tights, pink sports bra, and a black sleeveless hoodie  and hair in a ponytail "I'm ready to sweat". She then grabs her phone and wireless earbuds before heading down to the kitchen.

"Good morning" Izzy says entering the kitchen "good morning made some breakfast ,extra bacon" Steve says placing her plate  on the table "oh yay bacon" she says before sitting down and digging in"you really like bacon" Sam, who sat across from her, says "pancakes too should have seen her at the diner"Bucky ,sitting next to Sam, says. 

"speaking of our little weekend adventure" Tony says coming into the kitchen Thor, Loki, and Bruce trailing behind him. "who was that women on the phone at the park" he asks "oh that was Miss Penny she's German and awesome" Izzy says "how so" Loki asks "she was a little girl when she came to America during the holocaust 12 years old with two dollars and her new born baby sister all alone... she raised her sister, had two jobs by 15, and studied to be a nurse" Izzy says "damn" Sam says "she marched with Martin Luther King Jr. , dressed like a man and joined the Vietnam war, saved 6 children when the twin towers fell, and she takes care of the homeless I know she has done some more stuff but that's all I remember right now" "god damn woman's been all over the place" Sam says "yes it seems she has done great things"Thor says "yeah she's been hopping from Germany and Syria lately with her sister lately" Izzy says stuffing her face with food. "what's her name" Tony asks "I call her Miss Penny because she doesn't want a Penny for her help, but her real name is Darcy Topplemen" Izzy finishes her plate and puts it in the sink. "There isn't anything about 9/11 or Vietnam in her records" Tony says "in Vietnam her name was Darren Toolmen and the children didn't talk neither did she, she took a bus to Florida afterwards anyways  'nothing to tell' she said but she did go back 2 months later to help clean up " Izzy says washing her plate. " I want to meet this Darcy or Penny" Bucky says "me as well" Loki says " maybe I'll get her to come down to New York but she's pretty old now " Izzy says " I mean not super old but not you guys old but old" she says  to Bucky and Steve " haha. laughing hiding real pain" Steve says "got to go die in the training room OK bye see you later"Izzy says "that girl is something" Sam says "yes, she's very unique" Vision says everyone jumps "Jesus where the hell did you come from" Bucky says holding his chest afraid his heart would fall out "I propose we put a bell on the red man" Loki says and everyone agrees. (seriously Vision does need a damn bell)

"Five minutes early I like it" Clint says as Izzy enters the training room "does this mean you'll go easy on me" she asks "nope"Natasha says. "first things first" Clint says "what are you physically good at" Natasha goes on "can you fight"Clint " can you use a weapons" Natasha "what weapons are you go at" Clint finishes Izzy giggles "you guys are like twins" Clint chuckles Natasha rolls her eyes. "OK I don't really like fighting, guns aren't really my thing, I don;t really like the idea of killing...I can juggle knifes" Izzy says with a small smile . Natasha rubs her forehead the crosses her arms "you don't fight, shot, or kill ...but you can juggle that will be useful if we're undercover at the circus " Natasha says "OK first off she knows her way around a dagger the isn't a total lost cause, no offense, and second off don't make fun of the circus I grew up in the circus" Clint says "Now, why don't we get some knifes and try your hand at throwing ".

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