Chapter 21

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"I-My first name was Neaveh. I was 5 years old when I first meet her, Vita, she trained me for years after that.She always said the wasn't ready for us we were different.I don't know what happened to her she changed over time so we put her away and lost my powers. She told me I was evolution a beginning of a new. Diaval just said I was magical" Izzy shrugged to the end she knew her response didn't answer much, it was asinine. 

"who the hell is Diaval?"Bucky asked 

"a bird" Izzy says as if it was the most obvious thing in the world 

"a bird" Natasha said not the least bit amused 

"well he was a bird now he's a man" .

Izzy's face formed into realization and excitement  "Diaval, Diaval, Diaval. we can go to Diaval he was Vita's right hand man maybe she went back to him maybe he knows where she is maybe she's still there"

"this is the only lead we got let's take it .Suit up. Izzy, lead them to Diaval" Fury said.They were clueless and had no leads once again they were desperate and Vita was going to regret making her so.


This was not what they expected . I mean they weren't expecting a cave in the mountains or anything like that but maybe something secret or a little creepy. But here they stood in front of a light blue... farm house this they definitely did not expect.

"Am I the only one surprised" Clint said looking around this place was so light with a good vibe

"the way she described him he seemed so dark not a farm" Sam said 

"Have you ever here the saying ' everyone tells a story differently' " Steve said to Sam


"it's because he just made it up" Bucky said as he followed Izzy up the porch. She began to press the door bell rapidly and didn't stop not even when the door opened.Loki grabbed her hand then she began to press the door bell with the other hand  and he took that hand as well. 

"thank you this would have been the fifth time she's broken my door bell" Diaval said "come in come in. I assume you're all here for my help"

"yes" Izzy said as she walked right to the kitchen "have you seen Vita we need to-" 

"no" Diaval said quickly taking a seat on the couch .That pissed Natasha off.

"listen here prick if you don't give us something a lot of people are going to die. Now you can either help or-"

"what can you give us" Izzy said coming into the living room with a bowl of grapes. She usually made her self right at home when she came to Diaval's house always heading to the kitchen to see what sweets he cooked or whatever he had in the refrigerator.

Diaval got up and when in the other room everyone looked to Izzy she just shrugged and tossed a grape in Loki's mouth. This when on for another two minutes "Cute" Diaval said when he returned to the room "London"

"she's in London?" Tony asked 

"no but she will be that's her last stop London" he dropped a bag on the table "I don't know when she'll be there but I know something big is going down there" 

"what's this " Bucky asked motioning to the bag 

"It all your books and lesson .If your going to go against Vita you're going to need to polish up on your skills. I've also got a Place set up for you in London.Here is the address along with my number" Diaval kissed her forehead and smiled " Now ... all of you get the fuck out" 


" That was something " Bucky said. Everyone sat in the quinjet looking confused as hell as Izzy munched on the snacks she stole from Diaval's refrigerator. 

"so she's gong to be in London. We'll need to warn the S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters in London and tell Fury" Natasha said.

"I've got a place in London" Tony says but Izzy shakes her head and passes a piece of paper to him "this is your friends place, why go there when I already have a perfectly good place" Izzy just shook her head more, she would have yelled at him if her mouth was full, "just let us check it out Tony" Steve said not wanting to deal with the two.


Once returned to the tower it was decided they would pack that night and leave in the morning.And that's what they're doing, everyone except Loki. He was leaning against Izzy's door frame  watching her try to decided which dress to pack "the pink, you always look lovely in pink" Izzy squealed in surprise Loki laughed " sorry, love, didn't mean to startle you"  "it's okay. I have something for you, well actually it's from Diaval" Izzy handed him a letter wax seal and all. Izzy turned around and went back to packing her pink dress letting Loki read the Letter on his own

Dear, Loki


I've only know you for about 5 minutes, also Isabella has talked about you on the phone, and it is PAINFULLY obvious that you have a think for Isabella , PAINFULLY obvious. So please do everyone a favor and ask her out  take  her on a date, or court  however you do in Asgard. Just something man kiss her, date her, confess to her, fuck her , I don't give damn just do something and do it soon because I  don't believe the team wants to watch you struggle anymore. 

She's clueless so make a move , she doesn't know how to herself. She likes you she may not know it now or understand but she likes you. So grow some balls and do some shit before  someone else, Bucky, makes a move on.Next time she calls me and doesn't say you made a move I'll be up there real quick to beat your tight leather ass.


                                                                                                                                                     Sincerely , Diaval

P.S.  I here Bucky plans to make a move and -

Not even finishing the letter Loki spins Izzy around and kisses her it was rough and a bit, a lot, forced  he worried he had messed up when he pulled away and took a step back she just stood there her face was red and she was just standing there as if in shock. "sorry" Loki said he thought he had messed up and started to leave  " I truly am sorry" as he began to leave she  grabbed his wrist " can I ... I liked that, can we do it again ".

And they did but this time it was much slower he gentle took a hold of her cheeks and place her hands behind his neck and he gave her a gentle peck "I want another" another peck "another, *kiss* another, *kiss* another *kiss* no" she said as he teased her " I want more" he went to give her another peck on the lips and she held him there a peck turned into a passionate but slowly kiss. The kiss turned into something more when she opened her mouth allowing his tongue in to fight for dominate, it wasn't really a fight she gave it to him and let him explore. His hands moved from her cheeks to her back pulling her closer her hands combing through his hair pulling making him release  a moan. They both pulled apart  foreheads touching breathing heavily "I like that , another" Loki laughed "let's learn to breath again first"

 "yes, that would be wise " They both turned around to see Bucky leaning on the door frame smiling  Izzy buried her face in Loki's chest  " you should close the door next time mm k, mm k" Bucky said closing the door "use protection".  

Izzy still had her head buried in his chest Loki kissed the top of her head she looked up at Loki "I like that , can we do it again?" Izzy asked  kissing him but Loki pulled "how about we finish packing first"  she giggled " Okay"


Look who won LOKI

don't worry I'm making another Story for Bucky

Words - 1390

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