Chapter 17

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It had been 3 weeks since the team returned and both Loki and Izzy were still out cold. But they didn't lose faith.

Tony walked into the kitchen, it was Natasha's turn to make breakfast, so she was throw fruit and everyone, so Tony decided to stick with coffee "oh,um good news everyone Izzy and Loki woke up last night around  1 am , so yeah they're alive" he said casually taking a sip of coffee. Suddenly everyone is racing to the towers infirmary ,everyone but Tony he was taking his sweet time with his coffee "this is going to be interesting " he said taking out a flask and pouring it in his coffee.

"LOKI " Thor screamed rudely waking Izzy and Loki

 " I didn't do it" Loki said snuggling back into Izzy 

"YOU'RE ALIVE" Sam said throwing his hands up


"Loki" says ,everyone ignores his comments.

"you guys scared us. don't do that again" Bucky said hugging Izzy "sorry "  she mumbled into his shoulder

"a few other people were worried about your health" Steve said nodding to the door.

In the door was a shy Peter Parker, an extremely happy Scott Lang, and chill T'Challa. Scott practically hoped in the bed with them "you're okay. for a minute there I thought you were leaving us. Cassie says Hi by the way " Scott said really quickly Izzy giggled and Loki wondered if the man was actually breathing . Peter came next hugging Izzy "It's nice to see you are well, Izzy"  T'Challa said  "looks like I came here worrying for  nothing " 

"No you came for a very good reason " Tony said strolling in 

"and what is it" 

"The party, why are you two in bed together, and Izzy has something very important to tell us later, seriously what's the point of two hospital beds if only one is being used"

"I do?" Izzy ignored Tony's other comments and looking very confused

"you do now"

"what is it?" 

"I don't know you tell me"

"But I don't know either" Izzy looked completely clueless which caused everyone to laugh.

"I've missed you.GROUP HUG" Scott shouted "NO" Loki screamed trying to pull away but Thor pulled him into the hug against his will " Moral Imbeciles"


After Loki and Izzy got a much needed shower They were told they were out for three weeks , Izzy did not take that lightly , She started crying about how many meals she missed, apparently she missed 39 meals, as well as her tv shows and movies  she didn't record Bucky tried to reassure her they were all recorded but she busted out a list of tv shows no one even knew she watched, she was especially upset about missing some' Kim possible' reruns and it took the team everything in them not to laugh. Thor and Loki were the only ones to get through to her. Thor promising that they'd snack all day to make up for what she missed and Loki said something as well but no one understood because it was in Latin or Greek all they know was it made her shut up quickly.

Izzy was now eating a slice of pie as Steve explained what happened while they were a sleep.

"And now you're awake " Steve finished looking at Loki with concern his expression was unreadable "so what you're saying is a burning building collapsed on me then I was thrown out of a hole landing face first,  then dropped on the way here, cut open by ' accident ' and had Dicks drawn on my face several times by an unknown prankster , though I'm pretty sure you all had a turn, and this all happened in 3 weeks. But she was treated like the queen of Asgard  and left to rest"

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