Chapter 16

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Thor sat on his knee crying for the brother he lost, for the third time. Everyone grieve in the moment if not for Loki for Izzy the beautiful young lady with a heart made of candy and Thor, never had they seen the god in tears let alone his knees, he was the most forgiving  man in the world a heart made of pure bravery and kindness a heart made for war and love. A heart slowly falling a part.

"They're alive. someone's alive" Tony said 

"WHAT!?" Steve said 

"Friday is picking up two heart beats " before he even finished speaking Bucky and Thor were running to what once was a building . Tony, Vision, and Sam flew a head of everyone else. "Hulk dig" Tony commanded everyone moved out of Hulk's way as rubble started to fly and he went deeper. 

Everyone patiently for Hulk to dig them.

 Vision being the optimist he is calculated the chases of it possibly being them without life threaten injuries to 12% but seeing everyone in tears silently praying he hoped he was wrong . 

Tony being the brilliant alcoholic he is had already planning a party in his head  if they were alive and what he'd use to drink his sorrows away if they weren't, drinking was the only way Tony knew how to deal.

 Steve was silently praying  in his head to every god he knew, including Thor, hoping someone would hear his prayer and grant his wish and save his family from grieve.

 Pietro held his sister,Wanda, close comforting her granting her they were still alive and they'd take them home when this was all over.

Damn, how in the hell did this happen  that's what was going in both Sam and Bucky's head the two were retracing the steps in their head seeing what they could have done to prevent this from ever happening.

 Natasha and Clint went straight is to agent made while everyone was looking for Izzy and Loki Natasha had called Dr. Cho and Director Fury making them aware of the situation and Clint had found all the medical supplies in the quinjet ready to treat Izzy and Loki's wounds because they knew the two were going to make it they were fighters.

 Thor was over joyed to hear his brother might be alive Izzy as well he was practically on his toes wait for Hulk to pull them out to see his brother breathing.

Prayers were, some what, answers as Loki came flying out of the hole Hulk dug "LOKI" Thor screamed watching his brother and on his face everyone quickly went to his aid him. "He has a wound on his torso that is bleeding heavily. That appears to be the only major wound" Vision said "He's still breathing". 

A moment later Hulk jumped out the hole cradling Izzy "well someone's getting special treatment" Sam said Bucky walked forward to take her from him he roared and backed away "Mine" he growled "hey, big guy we need to check make sure she's okay . Can we see if she's okay?" Tony said holding up his hands Hulk growled but lied her on the ground any ways those not aiding Loki run to her side.

 "Hey you think we could get Bruce" Steve asked Hulk took off running into the forest Steve took that as a yes. Tony took Izzy Vision took Loki and they both flew to the quinjet well the rest followed on foot. "How bad" Natasha asked when Tony and Vision landed in front of her "Loki's going the worse from what we can see" Tony said  "Clint's got the first aid kit" she said Vision went into get Loki the medical attention he needed "Bruce is going to need some pants".


"Loki has a few things logged in his torso can't remove them now if they've hit an artery. Need to get him to the tower to know more" Bruce said examining Loki and Izzy as they flew to the tower "Izzy ... she's fine from what I can see is just a few bruises. I'll do some x-rays when we get there".

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