Chapter 5

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Each mission went well Steve, Bucky, Clint, Vision,Natasha, and Loki dropped the missiles and panel at S.H.I.E.L.D New York headquarters and Tony, Thor, Sam,Pietro, and Wanda dropped off the surviving mutants to England's headquarters for treatment. The surviving would checked off then given the choice of Xavier's  School for Gifted Youngsters to learn to tame and control their mutations or they could go home but would continued to be monitored by S.H.I.E.D. 24/7 and have monthly checks-ins and physicals , it's saved to say most of them picked Xavier's school.

Now everyone was back in the tower lounging around eating cake that Izzy made before they arrived.  

"That was a great first mission or missions , Izzy " Sam says

"yes excellent , but how did you know about the boy with the abilities of time " Thor asks

"I hacked into Hydra's computers and looked up his file also deleted it, his name was John by the way" Izzy says 

"you deleted his file" Natasha says

"Everyone files actually ,but I printed them out before I did so" Izzy says

"you did good Izzy, you did goo" Steve says giving her a pat on the shoulder as he walked by to put his , and Bucky's lazy asshole, plates in the sink 

"we should throw a party your first mission a success we're throwing a party and awesome cake its amazing " Tony says

"Thank you" Izzy blushes 

"so what do you say Izzy want to throw a party" Clint asks

"OK I guess" Izzy said

"good because Tony would have thrown it anyways" Bucky says

" Sir Director Fury has arrived" Friday says then as the elevator doors open revealing Fury " Hey Fury nice of you to come over uninvited" Tony says annoyed already " want some cake" "no cake just came to congratulate Izzy on her first missions with the team" Fury says " then cake" Izzy says thrusting the cake in his face " you could've called" Clint says "the possibility of you answering was 2%" Fury says to Izzy "also came to remind you of your appointment ". "what appointment" Izzy asks "your dentist appointment "Fury says with a smirk as Izzy's smile drops "But... I don't wanna" Fury gives her a straight face " I've go important stuff on my to do list...reschedule  it" "nope" Fury says " I've've got to redo Tony's security might take a few days I need to focus on that and I've got to move my stuff from my apartment" Izzy says to him " you and I both know you can get it done in a few hours ...hell maybe an hour if you actually stayed focused and I've already handled your stuff" Fury says " Now go it rest you've got a dentist appointment tomorrow" " I don't wanna" Izzy begins to stomp and whine. The team found it hard not to laugh as they watched Izzy throw a tamper  tantrum as Fury tried to walk away " Izzy, you're going end of discussion" Fury yells then marches to the elevator as Izzy decided she would have the last, childish, word "MEANIE" "they couldn't hold it back anymore everyone busted out laughing never had they ever thought someone would call Fury the Director or S.H.I.E.L.D.  a meanie.

" That was, oh god, that was hilarious" Tony said between fits of laughter " you called him a meanie " Clint said rolling on the floor " you guys are meanies too" Izzy said then stomp away to her from. 

Izzy mumbled anger as she exit the elevator and stomped to her room " miss Izzy, Director Fury wished me to inform you your previous landlord is no longer a problem to anyone " Friday said as Izzy reached her room . A note was taped to her door on her new symbol, which was a teddy bear, the note read:


                     Decided to save you the trip

                      you're an Avenger so get comfortable

                     Also you're still going to the dentist so don't run  or we'll find you ...again 


 Izzy walked into her room and "AAAAHHHHHH" it wasn't a white dull room anymore it was pink it was her room and it was absolutely perfect. Izzy Jumped on the bed that was cover in at least two dozen teddy bears.

*BANG* And Izzy fell off and bumped her head ." Izzy are you OK be hear'd you scream" Bucky said as he waved a pistol around the room look for a threat the others came in behind him " sorry I'm fine it was a happy scream a scream of joy" she says Loki appeared by her side and helped her up . "your room... is so pink" Wanda says taking in the room "when did this happen this wasn't like this before" Tony says lifting his iron face plate " Fury brought my stuff over" Izzy says handing the note to Tony who passed it around." 1. your room looks childish 2. what is with you and Fury he set up your room takes you to the dentist he's nice to you and that's weird ...and 3. i'm pretty sure that amount of teddy bears is illegal" Tony says "1. I know my room looks childish I like it that way 2. I've know Fury for  very longtime like.. back playground we're best friends family even and 3. this amount of teddy bears is very legal" Izzy pouts "now leave me alone I've got to redo the towers security system and make and escape plan for tomorrow " Bucky and Loki chuckle Natasha rolls her eyes " you're being dramatic " Steve says " I don't like being poked at not by doctors, not by dentists, not by scientist, not by shoo flies" Izzy grabs her laptop which was neatly placed on her nightstand and crawled into bed "I've got work to do".

Everyone quietly left Izzy 's room  " nope" that wasn't strange at all " Natasha said sarcastically slipping into her room " Women are so complicated " Sam says " And mysterious" Pietro adds "no men are just stupid" Wanda says slipping into her room like Natasha  "I don't think men were meant to understand women" Steve says   "we don't understand women because every women is different in their own mysterious way" Clint says the guys look at him for a moment "what? I'm married I have daughters and a female best friend I know things I can't afford to not know things I have to know things " Clint says before leaving. "that guy knows his stuff" Sam says " he is smart" Bucky says " I'm a genius" Tony says "yeah but he's women smart" Bucky explains " You're not " Sam crushes his spirit Steve laughs at Tony as he looks like an idiot with his mouth open gasping like a fish Bruce puts his hand on his left shoulder and Thor on his right Tony thought they would tell him the others were wrong " They're right you should stay in the tech department not the ladies" "you are man of iron not man of women" he was wrong "you're all assholes" Tony says as all the guys pile into the elevator laughing at him " I agree you aren't very good with the ladies unless they're are drunk or see your car" "really Vision . you've got my own son against me ".


"Loki why are you  still in my room" Izzy asks not looking up from her Laptop " why do you have so many teddy bears" he asks sitting on the edge of her bed and taking a teddy bear in his hands" as a kid I didn't really get to have toys I didn't get to play with friends or make friends for that matter it was always work work work " she says looking up " but now you've got time so you want to play you want that childhood you didn't get"  "yes...but I also want to help people at the same time make other people happy give other kids a chance at a good childhood" "so you work for S.H.I.E.L.D ...turning your work place into some type of playground" Loki says " I didn't know you were a therapist....but yeah that seems about right " Izzy giggles and Loki chuckles " tell me your story " Loki says " when you tell me yours "  " you already know my story" "no I know what someone else saw what someone else thinks  I want to hear it from your point of view" " fine" Loki says getting up from her bed "so when I tell you you'll tell me ...guess we'll have to wait then" " I can wait" Izzy says snuggling deeper into her covers "good night, Loki"  Loki turns the light off and the ceiling lit up with stars  "what I'm afraid of dark" he chuckles " Good night, Izzy" he shuts the door "she's so childish"


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