Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Chloe POV:

<Tape 11 Reason 11>

Reason Eleven. Yay! So have you guys Just Stop and Listen? Well that doesn't matter because we are not finish yet!

Just when things start to get easy. They flipped around and changed back to hard. I thought I could trust you Nia. But it ended up like I didn't.

So after the whole big thing with me and paige. I told you everything that happen to durning it. What I did. Everything. You promised not to tell anyone. did tell one person then it went around the school. FAST.

Here is the story....

"Nia please don't tell anyone!" I said.

"I will not tell anyone that you cut yourself because your in the depression state." Nia said crossing her arms in a cross and did the pink promise we created.

"Good." I said.

The next morning I went to school and everyone was screaming at me. Saying "why do you cut? It not right!" I hide in the bathroom for the rest of the day. Wondering how could people know. Oh that right is it was because of Nia. You told people. Didn't you?

Well if you didn't know I cut well now you do. So here for the world to know next. Just thought I could trust someone for a change.

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