Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Chloe POV:

<Tape 5 Reason 5>

A sweet little girl. The one who smiles all the time. Never cries. Wouldn't do nothing to hurt a fly. Or is it she acts like that to get friends?

Many of you would be like "Oh her? Your so wrong about her. She so sweet and kind. She didn't do that. You such a attention seeker."

Well maybe you should get closer to this person. Then see if you actually want to be there friend. She uses you. Oh you didn't know that Kendall Vertes uses you? Well you about to find out how.

Kendall you came up to me because we had to work with each other on a project. We become like best friends during it. So after that project was done. You asked if I wanted to go to the movies with you and some of your other friends. I tag along and go with the flow. But when we got there. You left me out. Didn't gossip with about the movie durning it while you did with everyone else. You just sat there letting me watch you have fun. While I was bored being left out.

When the stupid parts come you make a joke about it and it would be serious matter. After the movies were finished both of us walked home to my house. We asked if we could have a sleep over and so we did.

Oh you thought "oh, she wouldn't know I would her house durning the night" you guess wrong. I hear everything. I know everything. So within that night when you left me. I texted you asking were you where. You said "my grandma is really sick and I have to take care of her". So I join IG. Like everyone else does. But when I went to your page. You keep posting stuff like "At a party with my Boo"

"Hanging with this gurl!"

So you used me to pay for you movie ticket. You lied to me. What else could have you done? Maybe tell lies and rumors. Well we shall never know now. NEVER!

Just Stop and Listen ☇ dancemoms✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora