Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Mackenzie POV:

"Okay I must of been that drunk" I said. They all stared at me like. You shouldn't even be drinking.

"Oh now lets see who left her. Haha. Almost everyone on all of these tapes beside a few people." Brooke said.

"I would shut up Brooke because you never know when it your turn." Nick snapped at Brooke.

She got quite very quick. Because she knew they were right.

"Guys for once can we just get through two tapes without fighting?" Josh asked.

"Can we? Cause I really want to finish these and then go home." Mikey whinned.

"OMG guys just shut up and put in the next tape!" I screamed.

They shut up and did what I said.

Maddie POV:

"Mackenzie yells at me? Hers is worst!" I screamed.

"That is IT! I am going to Nicks." Clara screams. She stormed off and went to Nick house.

"Great now everyone left me." I stumbled under my breathe. I couldn't take it. I feel like Chloe. Everyone left her. Now I am like her. I just want a normal life.

I check what time is was and it was only 7o'clock. "Ugh! Why can't these tapes just be done with!" I shouted.

But without an anther word. I put the next tape in and sat down.

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