Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Maddie POV:

My jaw dropped. "Chloe mom is mean" I said while failed my arms. I couldn't take it I started to scream. Hoping that my mom will not do that to me.

"My mom better watch this. She probably doesn't even know that Chloe is dead." Clara said. She started to throw a rubber bounce ball at my wall laying on my bed.

"It's better if we don't tell anymore people till we finish these tapes and give them to others" I suggested.

Clara nodded and went back to what she was doing. She was waiting for me to put the next tape in bit I wasn't ready. "I will be back" I said then walked out of the room. I went downstairs. Hoping my mom wouldn't hear me. It bad enough she took Chloe dad away from her. After what her mom does. I started to feel Chloe's pain. After all I am one of the reason why this happened. I walk to the kitchen to get a drink. My mom stopped me. She had to talk to me.

"Honey I need to talk to you." Melissa said.

"About what?" I said.

"Chloe, it seems like it making you sad and depressed. What happen on the last few tapes?" Melissa said.

"Once I am done watching them you can watch them" I answered.

"I can't help you if your sad and wouldn't tell me" she said.

"Trust me mom I am fine" I said really fast.

"Okay, you pretty sure?" Melissa questioned.


Then I got my drink and headed upstairs to finish the tapes. Clara was still bouncing the ball of the wall. "Ready for the next tape?" I asked an I plopped in the tape and got comfortable to here the next story of Chloe life

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