Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Chloe POV:

<Tape 6 Reason 6>

Let's get this rolling. Haha finally we came across a boy. I'm not telling who he is right now because you will find out.

"Oh valentine, my one true love. Who true to be who?" All the cheerleaders said over the speaker.

"You only have a few more days to get your form it! Hurry hurry!"

I didn't like those cause I knew they were fake. Scam! Actually. I didn't want to do it but my teacher made me.


What do you like on your first date?

Do you expect a gift?

Do you make the guy pay?

And soo on.

The questions were stupid. But I had to answer them I had too. So has the week went by. I waiting for who would be the perfect love for my life to come. I went down to the office to pick it up. The cheerleader with the red hair and pig tails said "$10 for 8 names and $5 for 4 names" I handed her a $10. I just hope that one person would of showed up. It gets printed and she hands it to me. I look at it. The names in this Order.

1) Gabe 2) Caleb 3) Nolan 4) Nick 5) Justin 6) Johan 7) Lucas 8) Brandon. Nope. No luck of getting who I wanted. "It $3 more if you want to get you number one number on your list. I say "No thanks". There was a buzzing going off. It was my phone. I answer it and it was I don't know. Because you didn't tell me your name.

"Hello is this Chloe Lukasiak?" The strange voice.

"Uhhh...yeah" speaking back in the phone.

"Chloe you made the top of my list." They said into the phone.

"Are you Gabe? Caleb? Nolan? Nick? Justin? Johan? Lucas? Brandon?" I asked.

"No I am Mikey." You said softly into the phone. I didn't know how it coul be possible for that to happen. He wasn't even on my list. I look out the office window and there you were with your paper up against the glass showing me I was your first. I was surprised. I made the top of your list.

"O' my God" the cheerleader said.

She squealed and jumped up and down. "True love" you asked me out on a date and I said yes because I didn't have any plans. Like always. So on that date what happen?

"Will you go to Hazels with me?" You asked. That where we went on the date. I was really happy that I was getting my first date. I rushed home and got ready.

When I showed up. I was hoping you will be there already. You weren't there so I sat down and waited. Hours pasted by, you were still not here. Just when I was about to leave you showed up. "You stood me up" I said.

"I thought we were joking. I didn't mean too." You said. I look at you with a serious face. But you had no answer to that. Then you took my hand and took me to the booth that no one rarely sits at.

We sat down on the same side of it and I waited for our drinks to come. When they did. We drunk them. Afterwards, we just sat there. Then your hand grabbed my knee. "What are you doing?" I asked. You looked at me and smiled.

"C'mon I know you want me to do it" you said directly to me. I didn't do anything about. I didn't know what to do. Then your hand slides up a bit. "Stop" I said giggling a little "I don't like that". Again you didn't stop. You keep doing it. Your hand moved up more. But it wasn't touching that just yet.

"C'mon Chloe brighting up" said Mikey. Then your hand moved up all the way. Touching me in the way girls shouldn't be touch on the first date.

If I screamed it wouldn't make a differences. I just let you touch me. I should of stopped it. But I didn't.

The couple across from us could tell something was going on. But they didn't mind helping me. They just sat there and watched it happen.

I couldn't take it. When you left. I started to cry. "I should of stop him" I said to myself. But when I left. I got home. And just forgot about it and went to bed.

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