Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Paige POV:

I hug my knees. "Clara?" I mumble "no it can't be true" added it on. Josh comforts me. I was scared. I didn't I is what to do. "What if I am next?" I asked. I didn't want to watch it. Brooke and Josh gave me a look. One of those one like are you really kidding me look.

"Paige calm down! You are her best friend I highly doubt that your on these tapes. " Brooke says. Trying to calm me down.

"Wait, I don't care if I am on them." I say, "I just need to know if I am part of it. The reason why" I added on.

Josh hugs me. So does Brooke. Nick Just sit there with a dumb look on his face.

"Paige can I talk to you in private?" Nick slowly asks.

"Uhh..." I look down to the ground. "Sure" he takes me to my room.

Nick POV:

I set paige down easy. "Paige, I don't like Chloe. I like you." I quickly said. "No what am I saying I love you!"

Paige stares blankly at me. There was a long pause of what I said to her. It like she was confused. Like she didn't want to see me.

"Well...I like someone else Nick." Paige says,"if I didn't like him. You would be the one I would date. But not really after what you did to Chloe"

I fell to the floor. I begged for for forgiveness. But that didn't work. She walked out of the room. Left me. Just like I did with Chloe. I left Chloe. I shouldn't have.

After I walk back to the room and sat down getting ready for the next tape.

"We should see if Mikey could come just in case" Josh says.

"Yeahh..." Paige answers. Brooke nods and we all texted Mikey to come over. Which he did.

We let him watch the other tapes. He didn't freak about them. He was like so what. Then we put in the third tape.

The TV went blurry. Then Chloe came back on the screen.

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