Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Josh POV:

We sat down at Nick's house. Getting ready for the next tape. "Mikey I don't want you near my sister anymore" I said.

"O' my god. I guy makes one mistake in his life and you can't trust him after one?" Mikey said back. Sooner then you think a fight started to break out.

"Guys stop hitting each other!" Paige cried.

"STOP BEING CHILDISH!" Brooke screamed.

"Guys your making Paige cry. Now please stop fighting" Nick said.

"Josh! Mikey! Stop or I will beat you guys up" Mackenzie said.

Then we stop cause we knew mackenzie could beat us up.

Nick went to get snacks and drinks for us all. I got the next tape ready. When he came back. We were all ready for what was next and what had happen to make her life even more worst has we go on.

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