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Hey guys I got good news, I'm finally back and will be able to post regularly. Not to get into to much of my personal life but I have been dealing with my living status, which was at the time falling apart. My boyfriend and I were living in a county with very little jobs that were hiring, this was made harder on us both because he is mildly Autistic and I have a metal bar in my back with a screw entirely broken and one that is half in and half out. Because of this its hard for him to hold a job and for me to find one, considering where we were was primarily a factory based county. Now though my boyfriend and I are living with my uncle in a different city, my uncle has internet and so now that I am better able to fill out applications and check my e-mail I can also post more often then I was. Thank you for being patient with me, I know that I may not be the best writer or the most....what's the word?...I'm not the most on time or fluent publisher but thank you for sticking with me and understanding my situation and that I'm currently trying to get on my feet.

Love Abby

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