White Pigtails: Mira Jane

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Name: Andrea
Age: 10

Andrea smiled as she saw the image of herself and her mother on the cover of sorcerer weekly, to her father's dismay since her conception she had been with her mother during every photo shoot. She was the youngest mage to ever be on the cover, something the guild took pride in. Her magic was opposite of her mother's, she had angel soul. Though she hadn't mastered it yet, the only thing she could do so far was to summon angel wings. "Mama? Can I go see daddy?" The small girl looked up to her mother, the woman simply smiled. "Of course sweet heart" Andrea hugged her mother's leg and ran up to the S-Class floor, Mira smiled as the blonde Dragon slayer picked up his daughter. He had been irritated lately as all three of them would be doing a family photo shoot soon, but she knew that he do it for their daughter.

Time skip: 6 years
Age: 16

Mira watched Andrea hide behind the bar, today was the day the new edition of sorcerer weekly would be released. Laxus had no idea that Mira took Andrea to a shoot, one that Andrea did solo. Andrea's image was on the cover, where she wore a school girls outfit with a short skirt. Though it was the centerfold that would have Laxus in a rage, in the centerfold Andrea wore a string bikini and was straddling none other than sting eucliffe. Mira thought it was cute, after all her first centerfold was something similar with Laxus. Suddenly The Guild doors burst open, Mira greeted her husband happily. She wasn't going to sell out her daughter so she told him Andrea was at Sabertooth, she laughed as he stormed out. "You're safe Andrea." The small girl stood, giggling wildly. "Mom, sorcerer weekly sent me the list of outfits I need to bring to the next photo shoot. Can we go clothes shopping?" Andrea looked to her mom sweetly, Mira could never tell her no "Of course! Come on, I know where your father keeps his Jewel cards."

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