Sandy Blonde: Jackal

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Name: Nikki
Age: 6

Nikki walked around the halls of cube, her father was in a meeting with the other demon Gates. Nikki pushed back some of her Sandy fringe, her long hair was pushed into two pigtails. She began tossing small paper balls into the air, using her inherited curse to blow them up and leave a trail of Ashes. Her canine like ears picked up the sound of footsteps, she recognized these footsteps as being her father's and lammy's. She watched the to come around the corner, Lammy was hanging on her father. Nikki hated the rabbit girl, she would make a paper ball and throw it at the girl's face allowing it to blow up. Her father burst into a fit of laughter, something that made her happy. "At least you're practicing with your curse." He patted Nikki on head, the small girl giving him an innocent smile. Everyone knew better better than the mess with her, the girl was sadistic and if she didn't get you, Jackal would.

Time skip 7 years
Age: 13

Nikki had attended a meeting with her father, throughout the meeting a new demon had stared at her. And made her spots tingle in a bad way and her Tail stood straight, Jackal hadn't noticed though. After the meeting she rushed back to her room, that demon made her feel uneasy. When she closed the door to her room she found herself being grabbed from behind, she tried to activate her curse but nothing happened. A deep chuckle made her skin crawl, she started to struggle. "It's no use, I'm stronger than you and my curse will cancel out the magic of those within a 2-foot radius." She could feel his breath on the back of her neck, causing her to try to shove h im away. "What do you want?" Her voice cracked as she began to panic, another dark chuckle chilled her bones. "Your father is a powerful demon... I want that power." She froze, this was bad. If this went any of the directions she thought it would, she'd be dead. "Not happening." Her father's voice cut the silence, it was followed by a loud explosion and she found herself thrown across the room. When she hit the ground the wind was knocked from her, her vision filled with spots as she was lifted up. "Stupid runt. I'll have him brought back just so I can torture him." She could hear the Venom in her father's words, she smiled a bit as her vision cleared. "Only if I get to help." Her Father's evil chuckle was comforting, it was a mystery how in her eyes her father was a saint.

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