Messy Blonde: Zancrow

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Name: Blitz
Age: 7

Blitz sat quietly on a rock as she watched her father and the others converse, she gave an irritable huff and shoved some of her unruly blonde hair from her face. After a few more moments she turned her back to them, facing the forest quietly. No one knew she was a fire god slayer like a father, not even him. Deciding to have some fun she would lift her hand and allow her magic to flow, a small feet of black flame forming before her. She would move her fingers as if she was controlling a puppet, she giggles some as she makes it prance around. "BB? What are you doing?" Her father's voice making her jump a bit, the deer smoldering out and leaving a scorch mark on the stone. Turning slowly to face her father she gave a sheepish smile, she was found out. "Magic." She looked down, letting her long hair shroud her eyes. This making her miss the grin that stretched across his face, so when he picked her up she tensed up. "Come on BB, we need to get your training started." Blitz looked up at her father, letting him carry her toward the others. She knew this was gonna be hard.

Time skip: 6 years
Age: 13

Blitz stood on a beach, her messy waist length hair was pulled into a low ponytail. Her body was soaked in sweat, she had been fighting at full force for 4 hours. Though her father was proud to see she still stood tall, taking hits without flinching. Once the fight was ended everyone gathered as Blitz tried to recover, moments later her father approached her with his usual grin. "You're in, you passed the test BB." She couldn't fight the grin that crossed her face, straightening up as she hugs her father. She was now an official guild member, just like her father.

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