You Pranked Me First!

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June 16, 2002

It was a beautiful Saturday morning in June. I was 6 years old. I was the type of girl that hung with my 3 brothers so I was basically a non girly girl. I got up and put me my pink shorts,blue sandals , a blue shirt and my mom fixed my hair into a ponytail with the cutest litlle blue bow.I went outside to get on my scooter. I took one ride around my block and back. A loud squeal filled my ear as my neighbor Trace Parks,7 years old, petal his way over to my yard. I stood there laughing up a storm. "You super glued my tri-cycled!" He yelled at me ready to burst in full tears. "Well," I replied. "You had it coming you little perv." I laughed as I tried to take my foot off my pink Barbie scooter. "Trace did you?!" I whined as I tried to take my foot off my scooter. "Yeah." He laughed. "Uggghhh!" We both yelled as we went into our houses. I came back out with my older sister Katherine with my foot still stuck on the scooter and Trace came out with Eric, his oldest brother and his bum bum still stuck to his bike seat. "Your sister glued his ass to his bike!" Eric yelled across the yard to Kat. "Your brother glued my sister's scooter!" She screamed. "You did it first!" Trace and I yelled in unison.

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