#Pray4Lucas (Update)

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@Queen_Of_Hearts changed her username to @BrokenHxrt

@Queen_Of_Hearts changed her username to @BrokenHxrt

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@BrokenHxrt: Do you have any special reason to keep living? Well, I hope that you learn to appreciate and keep striving for the best for that certain something or someone, because I can guarantee this to you; Life will be nothing but shit when you...

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@BrokenHxrt: Do you have any special reason to keep living? Well, I hope that you learn to appreciate and keep striving for the best for that certain something or someone, because I can guarantee this to you; Life will be nothing but shit when you loose that person. The one that pushes you to limits that you never thought you could reach. The person that makes you want to keep going, even when you have nothing to keep going for. The one that you can just call for help when you feel like the world is against you, and I can assure you that a lot of those moments happen with me. Please cherish the moments you have with that special señorita or señore, because loosing them will be like loosing yourself. I should know, I might loose the person I am in love with. Lucas Tristan Friar, my huckleberry! #Pray4Lucas I will continue to wait for you, however long it takes. I promise!

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@Zay's_Bae_Slays:  My brother, my best friend, my stronghold and protector

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@Zay's_Bae_Slays:  My brother, my best friend, my stronghold and protector. Lucas Friar. It's not easy going through a process like this. Going through the process of patiently waiting, eager to find out the results of the health of someone I love dearly. Lucas could be in a coma, he could be JUST unconscious or he could be on his way to death. I don't know, and that is what sickens me to the core. The fact that I have so many unanswered questions, so many unanswered pleads and unanswered prayers. Lucas, wake up, I need you. Please #Pray4Lucas

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@HOPE_4_PLUTO: I guess I finally know what heart wrench feels like

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@HOPE_4_PLUTO: I guess I finally know what heart wrench feels like. I t feels as if your world just cannot continue spinning. That all the happiness you have ever felt just evaporates from your heart and is replaced by sadness and anger. My brother is in a coma. Dieing, as we speak. I just need help and confirmation. I need encouragement, not punishment. Atleast not it being Lucas' death. I just want him to be standing beside me, holding my hand, telling me that he will always be here for me. Because I know that he was one of the best things to happen to me. Please pray for Lucas Friar, the boy that stole my first kiss and love. #Pray4Lucas I love you so freaking much it hurts to see this happen to you.

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@Sparkley_The_Farkley: I have never been a supportive of Lucas

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@Sparkley_The_Farkley: I have never been a supportive of Lucas. He joined the school, and not even a minute, he had the attention of my 'wife'. I was jealous of him, I envied the life he lived, thinking that it was all sunshines and rainbow. But I was wrong. He taught me not to wish for the life of another, but rather to live as the person you are now. He has taught me to be myself, even when the world is telling you not to. I could never have learnt that and put it into action if it weren't for his corageous words. So, I want to say to Lucas because I know he is listening to me right now, that "you should contiue to be yourself" a person tht will fight to accomplish wonders for his family and friends. We love you man. #Pray4Lucas

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@Smackle_Slays_Isadora: I don't know Lucas as much as you all do

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@Smackle_Slays_Isadora: I don't know Lucas as much as you all do. I never got to see the sides of him that all of you did. But I don't need to, not to say I love him. My knowledge of him may be a mere spec of information compared to those of y'all whose equal is that of an enyclopedia, but I do not care. He has helped in more ways than I could ever imagine. He has taught Farkle and me that you do not need to coverup yourself behnd the philosophy of beauty. You just need to be who you were raised to be. And so I want to thank him and pray for him, that in the midst of severe pain, that he will make it. #Pray4Lucas

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A / N: I am so sorry about being MIA recently. It is never my intention tolet you guys down by not updating, but school has been so busy. I will however coninue to write this story, and also I will hint that wht happens ere will not carry on until Lucas awakes. I can give this clue though, it will be even more dramatic than ever before, so tune in for that. PS I am now on break so I will be updating more than I was!

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