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Lucas's POV:




I was currently driving at a dangerously fast pace. My foot was on the pedal, pressing harder and harder every minute that passes by. I wanted so bad to remove my foot from the source of the car manoeuvring, but I couldn't. Right now my anger had risen too much to be able to control it. As every second that whizzes past, is another second I want Maya but can't. For all I know, she could be in Josh' arms not giving a fuck about where I am. I mean it has been like that for a long time...

Maya's POV:

As I closed my eyes, ready to sleep I envision Lucas. I see him every time I close my eyelids. I hear his voice in my head, and much as I want it to go away, I also want it to stay. Today has been a rough day, one of realisation and heart break. This whole time I thought I was protecting myself from getting hurt, but I was only making it worse for myself. I shouldn't have tried to prevent myself from falling in love with him, because either way it was going to happen.

I let out a sigh as I drifted into a deep sleep. My arms were draped around one of my four pillows. I wanted it so much to be Lucas who was doing this to me. I wanted to feel his muscular arms to pull me closer to him. I wanted him to tell me that he loved me, and to kiss me goodbye every night. I wanted Lucas Friar, but I couldn't. Not after the stunt I pulled on him today.

With that being my last thoughts, I closed my eyes and let a dream take over...

"Maya, baby. Where are Charlie and Hannah? I have something to show them." Lucas walked up to me and snaked his tan arms around my waist. "Babe, they're in their rooms. What do you plan on showing them? Huh." Lucas just chuckled and shook his head at me. "Nothing, you know what I'll show them later. Right now, I am busy." Lucas started sucking on my neck making me moan. His hands roamed all over my body, and then they made a stop at the rim of my jeans. His hands made a way to my ass and lifted me up putting me on the counter...

Lucas's POV:

I put Maya on the counter, she ran her fingers through my hair as I went down to her neck. Before anything got overly heated, my princess came in. With widened eyes. It was Hannah, she was making gagging noises. She walked up to me and asked, "Papa, why were you two kissing? It's disgusting." She said with a duping used look on her face. I answered her with confidence. "Because I love this girl, Maya Penelope Hart so-

Blur. All I could see was a blurred vision of a truck. I felt the air bag make its way to my face. My head meeting the chair. I fell back as my eyelids drooped. I tried fighting the unconsciousness, my eyes started seeing less and less as I started seeing nothing but black. That's when I knew that I should have listened to momma. She always told me, hold everything closer, hug the people you love tighter. Be a better man, because when it comes your time to go, that's all that will matter. The fact that you could have done something more, but didn't do it enough.

I regretted not doing that. With that, I could no longer think any more thoughts. My kind blacked out with my vision. I felt numb, I felt hurt. Both mentally and physically. I just I tensed my body, and let go of all the life I had left in me. I breathed out and chose to quit. To give up and leave the rest to God. I had no control over this anyways...

Zay's POV:

I had gotten a call. One with the caller ID as Unknown. I wasn't aware of who it was, but I didn't care. For all I know, it could be someone who has seen Lucas. I picked it up with no hesitation, I answered it and let the man on the other line speak. That's when my whole world stopped. My friend, my brother, my partner in crime. He was in the hospital. With wires hooked onto him left and right. It didn't make any sense to me. What has he done? Did he ver do anything to deserve this? If so, couldn't it at least be me. I needed my brother, I needed him to live and come home.

I let the guy keep speaking, and then I turned it off. I completely hung up and left for the front door. I needed to tell everyone, and it was great to do it now. They were all piled up on the couch watching a movie. A fucking movie. While Luc was at he hospital. "Guys we have to go, I don't have time to explain. But let's just say Lucas is in a tough position right now. Hurry." I left for the spare car, the gang following no too far behind me.

We arrived at the place, and when we entered I could see some familiar faces. They were too familiar. It was... Jake, Austin, Jasmine, Zac, and Dylan. They were all standing together Ina corner hugging each other tightly. Tears were visible on their faces. We approached them and greeted them. I then asked them what had happened. If I thought today couldn't get any worse, I was wrong as hell. "Lucas has a very low chance of making it." I dropped down to my knees and sobbed. I might loose him. I might loose one of the most important people in my entire life. Ever.

Maya's POV:

My world came crashing down. The love of my life might die. Because of me... I can't have that happening...

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