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I walked towards Lucas and tapped his back. He turned his head towards me and smiled that charming smile of his.

"Lucas... I saw... I saw..."


I turned around only to be met by those beautiful ocean blue eyes that I get lost in every time. Those lips that I just want to kiss, and those cheeks that I just want to hold and caress everyday.

I smiled at her in hopes of finally hearing those names again.

But to my luck she doesn't. She opens her mouth to say something "Lucas... I saw... I saw" she gulped and then closed her eyes as a tear slid down her face.

I took Maya's hands in mine and made her look at me.

She looked up, but instead of seeing those blue eyes, I was met by red puffy ones.

Instead of the rosy red cheeks, I was looking at red tear stained ones.

I knew then that this was something far beyond Me. Her. Us.

I engulfed her in a hug never wanting to let her go ever again. Especially to Josh.

"Look Maya you don't have to tell me right now. Okay? Look I don't want to see you cry again because it breaks my heart. It kills me that you are breaking inside, and worst of all I don't know how to help. Maya you are one of the strongest people I know so to be in front of the Maya Hart. The strongest most brave person ever is an honor."

She smiles and wipes away the tears and immediately hugs me.

"Thank you Lucas for every thing. I love you and I meant it when I said it to you on instagram. You're my brother Lucas, and I'm your sister."

Those words stung. Those very few words had found a way to kill me on the inside. A way to haunt me for life. A way to break my heart. She broke my heart.

The Love of My Life. She Broke Me. Hope is For Suckers. I Now Know That.

Hey guys so here is a bit
of Lucaya drama for you guys. Also I just saw how many reads I have and I just wanna say thank you all.
Thank you for the support that you have shown
towards my book guys. Also don't forget to Vote,
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Thnx for 5.59k reads.

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