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TEXAS.LUCAS: I wanna tell you I love you, hold you, kiss you, and hug you. Every chance is thrown down the drain because I care too much. Too much to let you know how I really feel. But I don't get anything for this. All I get is your love confession, but not for me, for him. I am so sorry for making your life one filled with troubles and mistakes. Goodbye, Love.

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Lucas' POV:
I put down my phone and let a tear slip down my cheek. My hands were shaking and I didn't know what to do. The love of my life, Maya fucking Hart just confessed after a heated make out that she loves Josh. After all he has done to her. She still loves him. I can't take this anymore. I just don't want to feel anymore pain. I have an idea, a stupid one if I may add, but it's worth a try. I have a few friends about 1 hour away from here. I am choosing to go live with them.

My legs travel all around my room. I am currently finding some clothes to put into my duffle bag. This is going to be one hell of a trip. I don't think I am ready for this, but then again I wasn't ready for heartbreak. Yet I still went for it. So many thoughts were entering my mind, and I just wanted them to exit. They were all about the Blonde Beauty.

Now that my clothes were all packed, I wrote a letter to everyone. The only one I had to write to was Maya. She was gonna be a hard one to write to, but I needed to say what I feel. It's now or never. I got to take the opportunity.

Dear Maya Hart,
Thank you for everything you have done for me. You have been such a great impact in my life. I am so grateful that you chose to date me on that train. Even if it was for a few seconds. Look, I am so sorry about kissing back. I should have pulled away and be a better person than Josh. My attitude downgraded. But I hope you forgive me one day. Although I chose to write you this letter not to apologise, but to confess my feelings for you.

I have loved you since the day I saw you Maya. I knew it was you by the butterflies. For a guy that is weird, but when you are in love you can't help but feel that way. I do, every time I lay my eyes on you. When I found out that I was going to the same school as you, I jumped in joy at that. I wanted to ask you out as soon as I stepped into that room, but Riley liked me. I wanted you, but you wanted Josh. So I tried to distract myself from you. I know, not smart.

For the spring formal I wanted to kiss up you so much. You looked so beautiful that night. I knew then that I wasn't just in love. I was really in love. You are a hot person, and so when I found out that you didn't think that I felt like beating myself up for not making you feel that way. Although I fell in love not for your looks, but the fact that you were an amazing person. You put everyone before yourself. You make sure that your friends and family don't get hurt. You are different to any girl I have ever met. You don't just throw yourself at me, you got to know me.

Maya I am so sorry for saying this so late. I am sorry for being too blind to see that I needed you. For being a fucked up mess that can't even admit his feelings. I love you so much, Short Stack.

-Lucas Huckleberry Friar

I looked down at the letter and saw tear marks all over it. That's when I realised that I had been crying. With one more tear leaving my eyes, I stood up and walked to Maya's room. I set it down and lingered in there. I could smell her perfume.

My legs carried me outside the room and out the house doors. My car was parked in front of the building and so I walked to it. One more thought came to my mind: Maya Penelope Hart, I love you. So much.

Maya's POV:
I walked into my room with tears streaming down my face. I was so lost, and I was back to being broken. I was that little broken girl from the poor part of NYC. Just when everything was going great, the world has a way to ruin it. As soon as I entered my room, I saw a white piece of paper laying there. With caution, I walked up to the paper and picked it up. It was from Lucas.

I opened the white material in my hand and started reading away...

Dear Maya Hart,
Thank you for everything you have done for me. You have been such a great impact in my life. I am so grateful that you chose to date me on that train. Even if it was for a few seconds. Look, I am so sorry about kissing back. I should have pulled away and be a better person than Josh. My attitude downgraded. But I hope you forgive me one day. Although I chose to write you this letter not to apologise, but to confess my feelings for you.

I have loved you since the day I saw you Maya. I knew it was you by the butterflies. For a guy that is weird, but when you are in love you can't help but feel that way. I do, every time I lay my eyes on you. When I found out that I was going to the same school as you, I jumped in joy at that. I wanted to ask you out as soon as I stepped into that room, but Riley liked me. I wanted you, but you wanted Josh. So I tried to distract myself from you. I know, not smart.

For the spring formal I wanted to kiss up you so much. You looked so beautiful that night. I knew then that I wasn't just in love. I was really in love. You are a hot person, and so when I found out that you didn't think that I felt like beating myself up for not making you feel that way. Although I fell in love not for your looks, but the fact that you were an amazing person. You put everyone before yourself. You make sure that your friends and family don't get hurt. You are different to any girl I have ever met. You don't just throw yourself at me, you got to know me.

Maya I am so sorry for saying this so late. I am sorry for being too blind to see that I needed you. For being a fucked up mess that can't even admit his feelings. I love you so much, Short Stack.

-Lucas Huckleberry Friar

With every word, every love confession came the tears. I was starting to break down even more than I was before. I could tell he was crying as much as I am right now. I had no idea he felt this way. I just slid down the wall and pulled my legs up to my face. I just sat there and sobbed until I ran out of tears. I had broken him, I had broken that boy.

Riley and the gang came into the room with letters and tear stained face. Zay though, he was crying the hardest. He had tears running down his face still. I understood him. They all made their way to me and engulfed me in a hug. This was a hug filled with despair and sorrow.

Tomorrow I was going to do what I had wanted to do when I saw Josh cheating. I was going to break his heart into a million pieces. I cannot deal with the heart break anymore. I now know how Lucas felt. He felt like shit, and I now know why he ignored me. Because he loved me. I wish he was here right now. I could ha-hurr in his face, I could tell him how he fell off Judy, how he was a cowboy. But most of all I could finally tell him... I love him too.

Yaaaaaaaay. I finally updated. Also guys thank you for all the support you have shown towards this book. Is m currently writing s new book on Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez. It is called Jealous. It's about Justin being jealous about Jesse McCartney because he has Selena. Also Selena is queen and Justin is king. Ok lots of love, bye,

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