Moving in Together

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(Seven Months)

"And that's it," Pete huffed out, carrying the last small box into the crowded living room. Boxes and bags littered every where, Patrick owned a lot of shit for such a small kid. What did he even do with five boxes full of just sweaters and fedoras? Pete didn't know, and he didn't care. All he cared about was that Patrick was finally moving in with him.

They were finally taking the next step in their relationship.

Patrick grinned at him, getting on his toes to kiss Pete on the cheek. "Thanks."

"So, everything's unpacked then?" The dark eyed boy asked as he inspected him and his boyfriends new room. He grinned to himself whenever he remembered that. His and Patrick's.

Patrick nodded, shutting the last dresser drawer full of his socks and underwear and such. "Everything."

Pete smiled. "This is gonna be awesome."

And it was.

Patrick was met almost every other morning with a breakfast in bed. Their make out sessions heating, and it becoming harder and harder not to touch each other when they slept in the same bed. They cuddled every night, and Pete would listen to Patrick sing in the shower. They'd watch movies together and eat together and do most things together.

So far the only inconvenience was the tension.

((Um okay bare with me,, like,, i know it's been seven months and they still haven't fucked but gIVE THEM TIME OKAY THEY'RE GETTING THERE. any who thanks for the read, i appreciate it <3 ))

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