Ch.26 "Marry Me"

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"I don't want to do that again." I admitted.

He laughed. "Just," he stopped and thought for a minute. "3 more."

"3 more? Dear Jesus, are you trying to kill me?" I asked thinking of going through all that pain 3 more times.

He chuckled. I looked at him in the eyes. "Maybe 1. If that."

"What are we waiting for?" He asked as he kissed my neck.

"Um, I'm waiting for him to get like 10." I said as I pointed to Lucian.

He laughed again. "10? Reeaally? I don't think so. I'm thinking 1 or 2." He said with a wide grin.

I smiled. He made me so giddy and I'm pretty sure he knew it. "You know what, we should swap places. Yeah, so I could get you pregnant and you'll be sick as a dog and have to push out that baby."

His grin grew wider. "I think I'll pass."

Later That Day........................................

Brandon and I took a walk to look at the snow. Lucian was with Hailey and Aaron. It worked with Hailey because Lucian stayed quiet around her.

"Can I ask you something?" Brandon asked as he knelt down on one knee in the freezing snow.

My heart started racing. "Oh, my god." I said feeling shocked at what he was doing.

He grabbed my hand and let go. He bent down and tied his shoe. I felt so stupid.

"Brandon, don't do that to me!" I said as I playfully pushed him down.

He just laughed as he fell down. He held his hand up and when I reach out to pull him up he yanked me down with him. The snow was freezing. My beanie almost fell off in the process.

I screamed. "You alright?" He asked as he held me in his arms.

"No. I almost had a heart attack." I said as he chuckled.

"Hey, I said I wanted to ask you something. So I'm going to." He said.

I looked into his eyes as he grabbed my hand and slid my fingers between his. They fit together like puzzle pieces.

"I'm listening."

"Will you marry me?" He asked with a grin.

I smiled and then I got serious. "No."

He frowned. "What?"

I couldn't help but smile. "I'm just kidding." I laughed.

He smiled again. "Talk about having a heart attack."

We both laughed and laid there for a while looking at the sky. "Well, in that case. Here." He said as he slid off my glove and put a beautiful ring on my finger.

It was silver with one big diamond in the center. There were little diamonds on the sides that slowly grew smaller. I looked closely at it and they were the phases of the moon. The big one in the middle was a full moon and the other diamonds were the other phases.

"Wow, Brandon. It's beautiful." I said as I leaned my head against his.

"It was mom's. She told me it was her most prized possession and for me to give it to the woman that I want to spend the rest of my life with." He said as he looked back up to the sky.

Happiness took over my heart. "Had a date in mind?" I asked as I put my glove back on.

He looked at me. "No. When do you want to do it?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. I never really thought about it."

"How about a spring wedding. It'll be warm and we could have it outside." He proposed.

"Ooh, that does sound good."

"Well, we have about 4 months to plan." He said happily.

"That's plenty of time."

It didn't take long before we were freezing. We decided to go ahead and go home. We came in shivering. "Cold?" Hailey asked with a grin.

"Freezing." I replied.

"Well come on. Get warm." She said from bedside the fireplace.

I took off my gloves and hat and warmed up by the fire. "What is that?" Hailey asked pointing to my finger.

"Oh, Um, He proposed." I said and she squealed.

Her face lit up and she kept squealing. "Calm down, or your gonna end up forcing that baby out before he's ready."

She put her hand over her mouth and still squealed. "OK, you should wait until I have this baby so I don't look so pregnant."

I laughed. "Don't worry, we are. We want a spring wedding."

She really freaked out when she heard that. "And of course I want you to me my maid of honor." I said to her.

She literally started crying. I don't know if it was her hormones or her being that excited but tears flowed down her face. "Of.... course... I will." She cried out.

I laughed as gave her a hug. She kept crying though. "And I want Emilee to be my bridesmaid too."

"What about your dress? What about my dress? Or Brandon's tux? Or Aaron's? Or reception? Or cake?" She began.

"Woah, slow down. We'll get to that later. We didn't pick a specific day but we definitely want it in April."

She bit her lip. "An April wedding is perfect."

Just her reaction made me so happy. I was happy, she was happy and pretty much everybody else was happy too. I knew we would figure out all the details later but what worried me was my vows. I didn't know what to say. I wanted something unique but original.

Another thing was who would marry us? I didn't know any priests and I'm pretty sure Brandon didn't either. I never understood why those women panicked about their weddings until now. There was so much to be done and so little time.

I decided to write down some sample vows whenever they popped up in my head. I kept a little journal with me at all times. I was just afraid that Brandon would get curious about it and take a peek but then again if I told him he might deliberately read it.

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