Ch. 7 Cheaters don't Change

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When morning came I woke up alone.  Hailey was gone so I decided to took for her outside when I ran across Emilee.

"Hey Emilee, have you seen Hailey?" I asked her.

"No." She replied quietly.

She looked like she had been crying. Her eyes were puffy and there were black streaks under them that went down to her chin.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing, just go!" She screamed.

I took a seat next to her in the grass. "I know that look. Someone hurt you didn't they? Well I'm not going going until you tell me." I insisted.

She looked at me. Her eyes full of hurt and hatred. "Why do you even care?"

"Because when you fall down in life you need someone to help pick you back up." I said sympathetically.

She burst into tears. More mascara ran down her eyes. She placed her hands over her face and cried out,"He left me! For her! He chose that little skank over me."

"Drake cheated on you?"

"Yeah, I found out by Dylan." She hiccuped. "He told me that Drake had been cheating on me for 3 years with some girl he met on a web site. Some site called Lots of Fish."

I wanted to snicker at the name but I knew it wasn't the time. "Well come on let's go inside. I'll made you some thing to eat, OK?"

She knotted and we walked inside. I handed her some tissues and made me and her some pancakes.

"OK, so how do you know he was on that site?" I asked.

"Because I looked it up! I thought Dylan was lying about it to get me. But I saw his profile and pictures of him with his shirt off saying he was single."

"So Drake actually made the profile. Did you confront him about it?" I asked feeling kind of shocked. They seemed so happy.

"I did and he said it was from a long time ago and I checked and it is but he has been recently on it. Last month we took a trip together to the beach and his profile picture was him there and I looked closely and I'm in the background. I was swimming in the water." She explained. "And there more pictures more recent than that!"

I felt a little over whelmed. They had been dating for like 5 years. He was such a jerk.

"Is that why you were so moody yesterday?" I asked.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I was just so upset and angry. Mostly angry. How could he do this to me? All I ever did was love and care for him."

I felt bad for Emilee. Even though we weren't friends she still had a heart and I couldn't overlook that.

"So what are you going to do?" I asked as I ate the last of my pancakes. She had barely eaten any of hers.

"I don't know. He broke up with me over a letter. He was going through a selfish phase and just didn't need a relationship to tie him down. He said that before I confronted him of course."

That made me want to throw up. A selfish phase? What the heck is a selfish phase? And over a letter? Who breaks up over a letter?

"He's a coward if he can't look you in the eyes and tell you the truth. In which case you don't want him any how." I said angrily.

She laughed. It was weird because I'd never heard her laugh before. It kind of made me forget about Drake and think of Dylan.

"Well, when your ready to date again Dylan is always an option." I said with a smile.

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