Ch. 2 Imprisonment

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When I woke up I was in a strange place. There was an older woman standing over me. She looked like she was in her late 30s. She had long curly light brown hair and big brown eyes. She had a crooked smile like she was up to something.

 She had a crooked smile like she was up to something

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"Hello there." She said in a soft voice.

"Where am I?" I asked as I sat up and looked around. The room was dark but there were lit candles hanging on a chandelier it the middle of the room.

"Your new home. It's no wonder he brought you here." She replied.

"Who? What are you talking about?"

She smiled and laid a hand on my shoulder. "My son. He said your pack had been destroyed. So he brought you here so you don't have to be by yourself."

"What? No, I don't want to be here!" I yelled as I stood up and realized my leg was fine. "What happened to my leg?"

"He bandaged it and helped you get well. However you still need some rest. You lost a lot of blood you know." She said as she patted the bed.

I did feel tired but I didn't want to stay here any longer than I had to. "Where is the door?"

"Darling, this room is used to keep prisoners and not guest so you won't find an exit on this side of the walls." She chuckled.

I panicked. No way out! There has to be a way out. There's no way she got in here without an entrance.

"Listen lady, you got me in here you can take me out."

She shook her head. "I'm sorry dear, but it's not up to me. You see my son is in charge now. I have no say in what he does."

"No say? But your his mother! Command him to let me go!" I yelled.

Her face went form frightened to sympathetic. "Your scared. I get it, your in a strange place. You feel cornered but you shouldn't fear him. He's had his eye on you. He's always had his eye on you but you won't be able to take advantage of it. He never let's his emotions get in the way of his work. He may seem cold and unfriendly but deep down he has a heart. Just make sure you don't break it." She said sadly.

I felt bad for her. She seemed like she could use a friend. But I had to remind myself she was a Rogue. She is my enemy and enemies tell lies.

She knocked on the wall and it opened a door that was camouflage with the room. Before she walked out she said "If you need anything give me a call and I'll be here."

Once she stepped out the door slammed shut. I walked over to the wall and knocked on it.

It opened. I freaked out at how simple it was for me to escape and those prisoners didn't even realize it.

I took off down the hall. There were so many doors. I had no idea which to pick so I opened all of them. They were all empty. I felt like I was in someone's idea of a game.

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