Ch.27 Wedding Plans = Panic

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One Week Before The Wedding.............

"Which one do you think?" I asked Emilee and Hailey.

"I like the princess one." Emilee said.

"What? No the mermaid one." Hailey argued.

I didn't really like either one. The mermaid one was pretty but I could barely walk. And the princess one was too fluffy. I continued to browse the store.

"May I help you?" A well dressed woman asked.

"Um, no thank you. I'm just browsing." I said to her. I went around the store looking until I found it. It was the most perfect dress I had ever seen.

It was short but with a long almost netted train. "That's the one." I said as I pointed to it.

Hailey looked at me. "Wow, go try it on. It's beautiful."

I took the dress into the dressing room and changed. It was perfect. The trail had little diamonds in random spots on it. It had spaghetti straps and had a pearly shine to the fabric. There was even a slit on the leg and the outlining of the dress was black.

When I walked out Hailey and Emilee gasped. "Oh. My. God. That's the one." Emilee exclaimed.

Hailey was speechless. But her face said it all. I felt like a million bucks. All it needed was a pair of shoes.

"Oh, my. That is gorgeous." The lady said as she took a look at me. "I have just the pair of shoes. I'll go get them."

When she came back she was holding a pair of white toel stilettos with netted tops. It was like Christmas morning.

I quickly put on the shoes. My million dollar feeling went up to a trillion. Emilee's mouth dropped.

 Emilee's mouth dropped

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"I think I just died." Hailey mumbled.

I smiled at my reflection. "Yep. This is it. Hey you guys go pick your your dresses. Hailey I would prefer your to be a little different. Maybe a different color."

Hailey and Emilee picked out the best bride's maid's dresses ever. The dresses were short with the same netting as my dress but on the belts. Hailey's was black with white trimming and Emilee's was the same as Hailey's but hers was white with black trimming.

Surprisingly it weren't that much. "So how's your baby?" Emilee asked Hailey.

"Oh, yeah Maddox is fine. He's getting so big though. I wish he would stay little forever."

"He is so cute. Did you see the little tuxes I bought for them?" I asked.

Emilee nodded. " Those were cute. I wish I had a baby."

Hailey and I laughed. "No you don't. Your sick all of the time and having them is like being ripped in half. Then you stay up all night because they sleep during the day and are wide awake when your trying to sleep. But in the end they are worth it. Those little boogers." Hailey said and Emilee looked a little scared.

"So have you figured out what your going to say?" Hailey asked

"Yes, I have it right here." I said as I read my vows out loud. "The only time I fell and didn't get hurt was when I fell for you. All my life I was told you were the bad guy but now I know that your not like that. You make me feel whole and happy and you gave me a beautiful little boy. I love you, Brandon Ethan Rogue and I'm so ready to spend the rest of my life with you."

Hailey smiled. "That's so sweet. I wonder what his are."

I shrugged. "I guess we'll find out."

During The Same Time............................

Brandon's POV

"What's your vows, man?" Aaron asked.

"Well, I haven't gotten them all." I said as I tightened my tie.

Man, I sure can handle a suit. Aaron's eyes got big.

"Dude finish them. First of all, they won't get done if you don't finish them. Second of all, I want to read them. And third of all, if you show up without vows your gonna look like a jackas*."

"Alright. Just shut up." I said as I got out my vows. I cleared my throat and began reading them. "Lana, the first time I laid eyes on you I knew you were for me. Even a bad guy like me was willing to risk everything just to have you. I have put you through so much and no matter what happened you stayed by me." I paused. "That's all I have so far."

"Aww, that's so sweet." Aaron cooed.

I started getting angry. "Shut up! You know your going to say something like that when you get married."

Aaron shrugged. "I must admit I never thought about that."

"That's cause you don't think." I teased.

"Oh please, like you do? It took you at least, what, 3 months for you to write a few sentences."

He was right but it's not like all I was doing was writing vows. "I had other stuff to do you know?" I defended.

"Oh, I'm sure you did."

He was really making me angry. I decided to distract myself from Aaron by thinking of what I would say to her. I didn't want to sound corny or stupid. But I wanted to say something meaningful.


By the way this was a rare one time thing from Brandon's POV. So don't expect alot of these.

Bye...........Peeps........OK that's all for now.

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