Ch.11 The Mark

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I opened my eyes and it was dark. Slowly they came to focus. "Lana! Lana what's wrong?" Brandon yelled as he shook my shoulders.

I couldn't move. It was like I was paralyzed. Slowly I began to feel my body coming back to life. "What?" I asked.

"Oh, thank god!" He yelled as he hugged me so tight he squeezed all the air out of my lungs.

"Bran.......don......I can't...........breathe." I managed to say without any air in my lungs.

He let go. "I'm so sorry. You just scared me so much. You stopped breathing and you weren't moving." He exclaimed.

I took deep breaths. It was a dream. It was just a dream. "I died."

"What? No you didn't die. You just started screaming and punching me. So I woke up and tried to calm you down and then you started punching even harder." He said as he rolled up his sleeves and showed me the bruises.

I tasted blood. I looked around but didn't see anything that was bleeding. Brandon looked worried.

"What? What is it?" He asked.

"I taste blood." I said sluggishly.

"Maybe you bit your tongue."

"No it taste sweet. Like sugar." I felt so confused. Blood doesn't taste like sugar.

"Maybe it's not blood." He said.

"No, it's blood." I said sniffing the air so see if I could find the source. Suddenly it smelled like chocolate chip cookies. I followed the sent.

"Brandon, I think it's you." I said I circled Brandon. I didn't see any injuries.

"Why would it be me? I'm not hurt. I mean you punched me but you didn't hurt me."

I continued to sniff the air. The closer I got to his neck the sweeter it smelled.

"Take off you jacket and shirt." I commanded.

"Why?" He asked.

"Just do it." I repeated.

He took off his jacket and I saw a red spot on his shirt. When he took his shirt off I saw blood going down his neck and onto his chest.

"Brandon does this hurt?" I asked as I poked the injury.

"No. It kind of tickles." He answered.

I pressed harder on his wound. Blood flowed even more.

"What about this?" I asked.

"Nope, is it supposed to?"

"Yes, it's supposed to." I said as I let go of his wound.

He walked over to the mirror and examined his wound. He began to shiver. "Are you cold?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm going to go turn the air off." He said as he shivered again.

"How? I'm burning up over here." I said as I fanned myself with my hand. I felt like I was slowly frying.

I noticed the mark had began to disappear. Then it hit me. Mark. "Brandon I bit you."

"Yeah, so?" He said as he continued to look at the mark.

"The mark." I said awkwardly.

He looked at me. Suddenly he fell to his knees. "Ahhhhhhhhhh!" He cried out. The spot where I bit him began to shine like the sun's rays.

Then a sharp pain went into my neck where he had bitten me. I fell to the floor. I screamed and cried out in pain. "Lana, your neck......... is glowing." He yelled right before he cried out in pain again.

Leader Of The PackOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora