Ch.24 More Battles To Come

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The Next Day.......................................

I woke up to people talking. "Hurry up!" Aaron yelled.

"I'm coming." Brandon yelled back.

When I walked in the kitchen I noticed boxes were everywhere. All in the living room and the kitchen. "What are these boxes for?" I asked.

"Oh, morning. I'm going through moms stuff." Brandon said as he carried another box into the living room.

Some of the boxes were labeled. Some said "Give Away" and some said "Keep".

"Why are you going through stuff this early in the morning?" I asked.

"It's actually, 1 in the afternoon."

"Well, why are you going through it?" I asked him.

"Well, I needed to go through this stuff anyways so I figured go through it today and get it over with. Plus your getting closer to having the baby so I thought we go in this room and turn your room into something else."

I was surprised to see him volunteering to go through with it. I mean we did need the space but most of her things he was giving away.

"What are going to do with the the stuff your not keeping?"

"Um, I thought I'd give it to donations. You know, like helping people in need and getting rid of it at the same time." He said as he stacked another box in the "give away" pile.

"Have you heard anything about Loraine?" I asked feeling a sharp pain.

"Well, word is she's still on her way to Canada."

I nodded. I hope she stays there but I knew it was too good to be true. As long as she lives we're all in danger.

I felt another pain. It hurt even more than all the others put together. "Ahhhhhh." I cried out. It felt like I was set on fire. My hole body ached.

Brandon dropped the box in his arms. "What? What is it?" He panicked as he ran towards me.

"I don't............ I don't know!" I cried out as another pain hit me. I felt a pressure on my lower stomach.

"Well, here. Sit down!" He offered as another pain came over me. The pain was excruciating. I cried out as I grabbed a hold of the arm on my chair and sat down.

"What..... what should I do?" He panicked.

I cried out again. "Ahhhhhh!" I felt warm liquid go down my legs. Another pain hit me.

"What....... are you peeing?" He asked with a look of disgust and worry.

"No you F***ING JACKAS*!" I screamed feeling the pains again.

He looked a little frightened at how I was yelling at him. Aaron came running in to see what the commotion was about. "What is going on?" He asked but I interrupted him with another cry.

"Ahhhhhhhhh." I yelled as I held my stomach and clawed the arm of the chair.

"I don't know man, I'm freaking out!" Brandon yelled.

"Oh, sh!t. That baby's coming out today." Aaron said looking at me.

I cried out again. I ripped into the sofa with my nails but at that moment I didn't give a crap.

"What? But it's too early!" Brandon yelled.

"Hey, they don't exactly wait. They come out when they want. I'll go get Hailey maybe she knows what to do." Aaron said as he took off for the door.

I cried out again. The pain got stronger. "OK, Um..... just breathe. Take deep breaths." Brandon said to me.

I took deep breaths but it didn't help.

"Deep breaths Lana."

I knew he was trying to help but it wasn't working. "I AM TAKING DEEP BREATHS YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SH!T!" I screamed. "I'm so sorry, Brandon, you know I love you." I apologized.

"Yeah, I love you too." He said awkwardly.

When Hailey came in I cried out again. "Um......... can you move?" She asked.

I breathed deeply. "Noooooo...... no I don't want to." I cried.

"OK, well, then your having it in here." She said as though there was no other choice.

"Can I do anything to help?" Aaron asked.

"Um, yes. You can get some towels and warm water." Hailey said.

"Nooooo! I don't want him in here!" I screamed.

"Lana, he's going to help."

I shook my head and gritted my teeth. "No! He is not coming back!" I yelled at her.

"BRANDON! Get out!" I screamed. "Wait! Wait! Please don't leave me!" I begged.

"What should I do?" He panicked.

"You need to stay and comfort her!" Hailey shouted.

He was so confused. He looked like he wanted to stay but wanted to go at the same time.

"GET OUT!" I screamed. He left and once Aaron brought Hailey the towels and water I screamed at him to get out too.

"Lana, you need to lay down completely." She told me as she helped me lay down and gave me some pillows to prop my head up with.

I felt like I was spitting apart. "Ahhhhhhh! WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME, BRANDON?" I screamed.

"OK, Lana, he's already crowning. You need to push." She commanded me.

I gave it all that I had. I pushed with all of my might but somehow it didn't seem to be enough. I was sweating like crazy and was exhausted.

"One more big one. OK Lana, PUSH!" She screamed at me.

Let me say this. I will never do that again. Talk about being ripped apart. I thought I was before but the last push really hurt. It seemed like it hurt more than my leg, being pushed down stairs, shot, and the mark put together.

"It's a boy!" She said happily. After all that pain I really didn't care if it was a boy or a girl. All I wanted to do was sleep.

After she let Brandon and Aaron in Brandon's eyes widened at all the blood and my water. I was completely drained. I guess it was a good thing I heal fast. Because the pain seemed like it wouldn't ever go away.

Hailey got him all cleaned up. He was worth all the pain though. It seemed like when I was holding him the pain almost went away completely.

"So your the one that's been kicking me. My little Lucian." I said as I kissed him on his head.

Brandon gave me several kisses and when I handed Lucian to him he didn't want to stop holding our son. He refused to set him down even to sleep. I was glad he so happy. He was going to be a good dad I could tell.

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