Ch.22 Bed Rest

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It's been 2 weeks since it happened. Luckily Aaron and Hailey were back to themselves mostly. Brandon's hands healed and I died of boredom the day I was put on bed rest.

"How much longer do you have to stay like this?" Hailey asked me while sitting on the edge of my bed.

"I don't know. The bruise is half way faded but he wants me to stay like this until it's gone." I said looking at my belly.

My belly is 3 times bigger than it was before and Hailey's is 1 size smaller than mine. It seemed like it was growing rapidly. It still had a big spot on it though. Luckily it wasn't purple anymore now it was a really ugly brownish green.

We haven't heard from Lynn or should I say Loraine in a while. It's like she disappeared. It would be a good thing but since I don't know we're she is I'm afraid of her coming back.

"Morning." Brandon said to me as he brought in clean clothes. He sat them down and started folding them. He pretty much moved in my room.

He wanted us to have the master bedroom but he's still not ready to move out all of Sara's stuff. He did get some of it but he could get all of it before feeling heart broken again. My plan was to make kind of a memorial for her with her things. Brandon liked the idea but I'm on bed rest and he still needs time.

"So, have you thought of any names." Hailey asked excitedly.

"Um, I think Lucian would be cute." I said as I looked over to Brandon. He gave me a grin and went back to the laundry.

"That is cute. I like the name Maddox but Aaron doesn't like it. He says he wants to name him Allen. I personally think that should be his middle name if that." Hailey said to me which made me laugh.

"I like it. Maddox Allen Rogue. It's got a ring to it." I said with a smile.

She smiled with me. "Your right it does. I just hope he'll like it too."

"He will." I told her.

"What about his middle name?" Hailey asked me and Brandon.

"How about............... Seth?"

"Lucian Seth Rogue? I like it but why do I feel like he's going to want to be called Seth Rogue?"

"Because it's a good name." Brandon said as he put the clothes in the drawers.

"What if it's a girl?" Hailey asked.

"Um, Luna Natalie Rouge." I said with a smile. It only felt right to give her Sara's middle name.

"I like it. I would go with Dakota Elizabeth Rogue."

"Moms middle name and Elizabeth's name. I like it." Brandon said as he put the last shirt in the drawer.

"Me too." I said with a smile.

"So Brandon when can I take her out of here?" Hailey asked.

"When that is gone." He answered as he pointed to the bruise.

"I don't know I kind of like you doing the laundry and cleaning. But I want to start cooking again." I admitted.

He smiled. "Well, when the baby gets here there's going to be more laundry, cooking and cleaning to be done."

I laughed. It probably wasn't a good idea because my stomach started hurting again. I held it in how much it hurt.

"Don't hurt yourself. I'll be right back." Brandon got onto me like a child and he when out the door.

The pains suddenly stopped. "Uhh, I feel so much better now." I said still holding my belly.

"Does it hurt?" Hailey asked.

"Um, sometimes. But it only last a little while."

She looked nervous. "Maybe you should tell Brandon."

"Nah, I'm good. Trust me I don't want to give him another excuse for me to stay in bed."

She still looked worried. "I don't know."

"It's fine really. I'm perfectly fine." I assured her.

"OK." She said but she didn't sound so sure.

"I am."

"How far are you again?" She asked.

"Um, 4 months and a half, why?"

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