Ch. 6 Not Dead

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Brandon cried out in pain. "Brandon!" I screamed as I jumped up and turned into my wolf form.

I attacked the wolf that was on him. "Why are you here! Lana!"  The wolf howled.

"Dad? I thought you.... you were dead." I yelled.

"This boy is a savage! A Rogue! And a traitor!" He yelled.

"How would you know? You don't even know him!" I screamed.

"Neither do you. You may think you do but you don't."

"Like you! I thought I knew you but I don't! Your the traitor. Your the savage." I growled viciously.

"Get out of my way! Lana!" He warned.

"No! You'll have to go through me first." I yelled.

My father growled and barked. He jumped at me but I dodged his attack and took a chunk out of his neck.

He howled and snapped at me. Brandon turned into his wolf form and he was monstrous.

My father even had a look of fear in his eyes but he kept fighting. He bit Brandon's eight ear and clawed his face.

He hollered and snapped at my father's legs. He caught one and with a loud crunch my father went down.

Brandon growled viciously at him. "Get out of my territory! That is unless you want to be buried here!" He threatened.

My father stood his ground. Brandon grew irritated. He attacked my father with rage. And bit the same spot I did but he ripped more than skin. He tore off some meat along with it.

My father flopped on the ground. He kept hollering in pain. He turned back to his human form and blood gushed everywhere.

"Lana, you know I would never cause you harm." He whispered as he choked on his own blood.

"You did when you left me with a complete stranger and made me believe you were gone with the rest of the pack." I whispered back to him.

His final words were "No, Lana." Suddenly his face went from pained to expressionless.

I felt relief and hurt at the same time. I loved him. He was my father but he was also a liar and a traitor.

When we turned back into our human forms Brandon was covered in blood. "We need showers." I said as I laid my head against his chest.

"Agreed. I think I've had enough excitement for one day." He said calmly.

"Me too. Let's go back to the house. I'm starving." I said as we walked into the house.

"What happened to the two of you?" Sara gasped.

"It's not important Sara." I assured her.

We both took showers to wash the blood off and we brushed our teeth just to be safe.

Once we were done we laid down in my bed. "Good night, don't let the bed bugs bite." I said quietly but he was already fast asleep.

The next morning I woke up with Brandon gone. There was breakfast sitting on a tray on the table next to me.

And there was a note. It said, "You learn from your mistakes and I learned not to give you cereal. Try not to stick your hand it!"

I laughed when I read the note. Once I was all dressed and ready for the day I set out to find Brandon.

When I was walking down the steps Brandon caught my attention. "Hey you." I said before I gave him a kiss.

"Hey, I actually need your help. What do you want to do about your dad?"

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