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You heard yelling from the other room. It sounded like Kenshin fighting with someone. You quickly woke up from your slumber and ran to where the noise came from. In an instant, you were in front of Kenshin and Saito about to engage in battle. 'Seems like a personal matter' you said without any hesitation. When both men drew their swords, your eyes widened and focused on your two dearest friends. Who would win this deadly match? Your one true love, Saito or your best friend that always stuck to your side, Kenshin? They both started to aim their swords at each other and thus, the fight began. ---------Time Skip------With Kenshin quickly blocking Saito's attacks, he starts to get tired and his hands fallen to the ground and covered with injuries. Saito, also getting tired of attacking Kenshin, failing miserably, he too starts to drop his sword on the ground, also covered in injuries. They then decided that this would be a tie and you were very shocked about this because Saito would never end a fight with a tie. You had a feeling that something was up, so you called Saito and you tried not to blush when you tended to his injuries while Karou tended to Kenshin's. A few moments pass and Saito's chest is covered in bandages like Kenshin's that will surely heal in no time. You offered to walk him outside to make sure he would be ok walking home due to the injuries he acquired by the fight between him and Kenshin, he politely declined, smiling at your way as he waved goodbye and walked home. 'I'm a goner' you said to yourself, your gaze focusing at the guy that stole your heart, leaning beside the dojo as a sigh leaves through your lips.

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