Broken Noses

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Taylor's POV

"Not to alarm you, but the Harry Freakin Styles is walking over here right now. I will punch him in the face for you." Niall said.

"You're too nice for that Niall," I joked while punching his arm lightly.

"I don't know what hurt more, that insult or that punch." He pretended to be in pain, that is until Harry walked over.

"Taylor, can we talk?" He asked. I laughed at him.

"Why don't you go suck face with my room-mate." 

"Bloody hell, Taylor! I'm trying to be nice!" He threw arms out in frustration, but he ended up punching me in the nose.

"Oh my God, I'm s-so s-sorry!" Harry Styles never stutters.

"It's okay. Remember I punched you in the face this morning? We're even. Just please don't touch me or try to talk to me right now. I just want to be alone." And I walked away.

Harry's POV

"I screwed up, didn't I?" I asked Niall.

"Yup." He said popping the 'p'.

"I'm not that bad of guy you know. I broke up with Tracey because she's too clingy. I came to win Taylor back."

"Good luck with that, mate. I'd love to see how that would work out. I need to go find Taylor now." 

"Didn't she want to be alone?" I asked.

"When a girl says she wants to be alone, she just wants someone who won't let her just walk away. Like you." He replied codly and walked away.

Niall's POV

Even when Taylor cried, she managed to be beautiful. 

"Taylor, you look-" but then her phone cut me off mid-sentence.

"Hello? Yeah. Oh my God! Really?! I'll be down there right now!"

"Who was that?" Niall asked.

"Can you drive to Forest Drive Hospital?" She asked.

"Of course, love. Let's go." 

Taylor's POV

"I'm looking for Jenny. Jenny Swift." I stated.

"First room on your left."

I walked to the door and knocked. 

"Niall, can you uh- Wait for me?" I asked.

"Always." He said.

I walked in.

"Jenny! You're okay!" I ran to her side and was about to hug her when I noticed all these machines attached to her.

"Hi." She croaked.

"What happened. You tell me now, Jenny Swift." 

"You won't ever want to even look at me again." She forced her head away so she wouldn't look at me.

"I will always love you, okay? Now tell me."

"I was raped. Multiple times."

Oh Lord, please help me. 

Sorry I haven't been posting in awhile. Stress and what not. lol but I'll post another one soon:-)

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