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Taylor's POV

Harry beat up his friends because of me? He must be lying. He's probably just toying with my emotions.

"Get in the car." I large arm pulled me by the waist, shoved me in his car, and locked the door.

"What the hell!" I screamed.


"Harry? You scared the crap out of me what the hell is your problem!?"

"Those men behind you. They were talking about you. They were gonna take you."

"You were stalking me?" I asked.

"Yes. Be thankful I was there. Why are you roaming around the streets of New York at midnight anyways? Are you stupid?" he asked back.

"I didn't know people were following me. Thanks." I grumbled. Why was he treating me like a little kid.

"Where do you live?" His knuckles were turning white as he was gripping the steering wheel.

"Harry, calm down." I tried to relax him.

"Calm down! They could've raped you! Then I would have the guilt of that forever!"

"Why would you feel guilty?"

"God, Taylor. We aren't playing 20 questions." He groaned.

"We should." I stated.

"Fine, you start."

"Why would you feel guilty?" I smirked.

"Ha-ha you are hilarious TSwift. How would you feel if you watched someone get snatched away and never heard from them again?"

"That didn't answer my question." I smiled.

"Stop smiling!"

"Okay, geez Mr. GrumpyPants. What got your knickers in a wad." I playfully punched his shoulder.

"Where do you live?" He asked.

"21 Caldon Street. Big blue house at the end."

"This is your stop."

"Mood swingy much?" I grumbled.

"You're welcome for saving you from those guys."

"Yeah, thanks." I replied hopping out of his scar. Shoot. Where's my phone?

"Harry!!" I screamed chasing his car. It immediately stopped and he backed up.

"I think I left my phone in your car."

"I know. Here." and he drove away.

You should be more careful, love xxHarry

Not only did he know I left my phone..but he now had my number... He called me love...

"Hey, mom! I'm home!" I shouted but all I got in response was a cry.

"Jenny?!" I called for my sister.

I saw her crying on the floor in the corner of my room.

"What happened?!"

"Mom and dad were in a car crash." she sobbed.

"But they're still alive. They'll be okay."

"No, Taylor. They're gone."

I lost it.

Leave your comments/inputs below! I wanna know what y'all think so far :)

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