His Name is Harry

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Taylor's POV

I sighed getting up. My alarm clock was so annoying that I threw it against the wall and groaned.

"Anger management?" Tracey giggled.

"Crap. I forgot I had a room-mate, I'm so sorry. Did I wake you?" I asked.

"No. I was already up. What's your first class?" she asked.

"Uh, I think Honors Physiology." I replied checking my schedule.

"I have to go all the way to the Math section which is all the way across campus. I'll catch ya later." she smiled.


I got back to the dorm around ten o'clock PM expecting to be alone. But then I heard these disgusting moaning noises coming from my room. I unlocked the door with my key and I was shocked. Tracey was dry sex ...in my bed.

"Oh my God!" I shrieked.

"Oh, hi Taylor." Tracey smiled. She was shirtless without a bra, I couldn't take her seriously. I wanted to throw up. Her 'date' threw on a sweatshirt over his head, covered his face, and ran out. What a douche.

"So what's up?" she asked nonchalantly.

"What's up? I hope you're cleaning my sheets." I smirked.

"Fine." She huffed.

"You wouldn't have to do it if you didn't have a fling with some guy on my bed."

"Whatever, Taylor. I couldn't do it on my small bunk bed."

Geez, someone had a rough night.

"I'm gonna start my homework."

A couple hours later I decides to finish the rest tomorrow. I had to wake up at five in the morning and it was almost one. I laid down on my bed and instantly passed out.

(Next Day)

"Okay class, I want you to get into group of five for this next project." Our teacher said handing out the assignments. I walked up to the only group left who needed a fifth person.

"Hi, I'm Taylor. Do you need a fifth member?" I smiled.

"Yeah! I'm Louis. That's Niall, Zayn, and Liam. Are you country?" he replied.

"Gawd Louis, you can't just ask people if they're country!" Zayn (I believe) slapped his arm.

"Yeah, I am. I'm from Nashville." I smiled.

"Ooh, Niall knows someone from Nashville!" Louis exclaimed.

"Well Nashville's pretty big..."

"His name's Harry. Harry Styles."

"Never heard of him." I smiled.

Sorry it's short it's just a filler. I don't wanna rush things you know?

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