Not Forgiven

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Taylor's POV

Only four more months until Aunt Kathy came. I could finally go to the college of my dreams...Stanford. I already got accepted and a really good scholarship. I realized I was in a hospital bed. Why was I- oh that's right. I almost died. I tried to turn my neck but found I couldn't.

"What the-"

"Doctor says you have to wear it for three weeks. Come on, were going home." Jenny said. She had her permit so she was able to drive me. What if she had a seizure while she was driving?

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"I really hate how you're asking me that. You're only sixteen, you sound like mom. I should be taking care of you."

"You need to take care of yourself. Harry is bad news. I'll beat him up for you," she smiled causing me to laugh.

"It's hard to laugh in this neck-thing."

"Aunt Kathy sent us some money in the mail."

"That was nice of her." I smiled.

"You going to be okay? My therapist is taking me out to StarBucks to you know, chat and stuff."

"I'll be fine. I'll lock all the doors-wait, you sound so old and I sound like I'm staying home alone for the first time. Goodbye Jenny, thank you for everything." I said getting out of the car and hugging her. When I got to our door I heard crying.

"Harry?" Harry was crying outside my door with his head in his hands. His eyes were bloodshot and he looks like he hasn't eaten anything at all. He got up and I flinched and backed into the wall. Regret was present in his eyes.

"Taylor, please don't be scared of me." He begged.

"You helped him almost kill me, and left me there to die. I'm not scared of you, I'm terrified of you." I stated calmly.

He extended his arm and I covered my face. Why did I think he was going to hit me.

"Please let me explain myself."

I opened the door and stepped in side.

"Are you dumb or something? I'm letting you in. Get inside and don't touch anything. I'll give you five minutes tops. I won't interrupt." I stated.

We sat on the couch and he opened his mouth to speak.

"When your parents died, I felt bad for you so I just wanted to make you feel wanted. I didn't actually think you liked me back and would say yes. But then you had to go and punch John in the nose. And I didn't want you to get hurt by him because he is really violent. I stood up for you, but then I saw Crystal and she was after all my girlfriend at school, I couldn't just break her heart.  But then John sent his friend after you for revenge, I tried to stop him but he dragged me with him and said if I helped you, that he would make sure you didn't make it back alive. I wanted to protect you, I still do. Look, I made mistakes but I know now that I am madly in love with you. I know I'm too young to feel this, but with you it's different. I don't want you to be scared of me. Please forgive me and take me back. I'll change."

"But you used me, cheated on me, hit me, and you broke my heart. Why should I take you back? I can't trust you." I said.

"I'll see a therapist, Taylor! I'm really trying here! The least you can do is try to!"

"Please don't yell, Harry. I'm getting a headache."

He pushed me up against the wall and grabbed my wrists.

"Harry, please stop. That hurts." I whimpered.

He loosened his grip but then leaned in and kissed me. It just felt so right.

"Tell me you felt nothing, and I'll stay out of your life forever."

"I can't." I admitted.

"I'll always find my way back to you." He smiled.

"I stil haven't forgiven you."


ily all :)

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