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Taylor's POV

It's been a week and Jenny has already gone back to school. She said people weren't causing her any trouble, but I'm not sure I believe it yet. I needed to clear my mind. I grabbed my headphones, played some music, and started walking. It was only seven when it started to get dark..and just my luck it started raining. I began to walk back to the apartment when a hand grabbed my mouth and pulled me backwards. I tried to scream but I was emotionally and physically drained.

"You think you can punch John and break his jaw without getting away?! I don't think so." he snarled.

An unwanted tear escaped from eye.

"Don't cry!" He threw me up against the brick wall and I winced in pain. I noticed a man coming closer...but it was no man... it was Harry.

"For God's sake, please help me Harry!" I begged. I was now crying. Why wasn't he doing anything?

"I called your precious boyfriend to help me finish you off." He smirked.


"I'm sorry." He stepped closer but I had nowhere to run. I was corned against the wall.

"He's got his reputation to take of, sweetheart."

"You're going to be out of the school in less than three months, and I don't even go there anyways. Please don't hurt me."

But his demons took over him, his once soft green eyes were replaced by seething black ones. He slammed me up against the wall and kicked me in the stomach..repeatedly. John's friend whipped my head back. I heard a snap and I blacked out.

Harry's POV

"What the hell, Mark?! We weren't supposed to kill her!" I screamed.

"She's still breathing..possibly. Come on, we gotta go!"

"And leave her here? What if she dies? And then we get blamed and get sent to jail?"

"Who cares? Come on, I heard Crystal was gonna give you something special tonight." He winked.

"You sick bastard." I picked up Taylor and carried her to my car and drove her to the hospital.


"She will be alright. We had to fix her ribs, and we had to fix her neck. It was broken so she has to wear a brace for three weeks. How did this happen?" the doctor asked me.

"I don't know, sir. I was driving back to my house and I saw her lying in the street."

I walked past him before he could see right through my lie. I went into her room and saw a crying Jenny.

"The doctor said she's alright?" I said confused.

"I know. Who would do something like that to her? After all she's been through. I might not have a sister to help me when I have my seizures." She cried even more.

"What do you mean?"

"She's in a paralyzed state right now."

I walked over to her and gently stroked a piece of hair out of her face. She let out an ear-piercing scream immediately after.

"Help! Someone! He's going to kill me!"

She sure didn't seem paralyzed to me.

"I'm not going to kill you, Taylor, calm down." I stated. Was I crying? Oh God, I was crying.

Fear was present in her eye. She feared me. But she only knew my demons.

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