I Deserved It

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Taylor's POV

"Wake up, babe."

My eyes shot open and I saw Harry hovering over me. I punched him in the face out of pure terror.

"What the hell, Taylor?!" he screamed.

"Get off of me!" I screamed. For some reason the thought of him terrified me.

"Calm down, love." he laughed. He tried to tuck a hair out of my face when I flinched.

"Are you scared of me?" He asked.

"P-please leave." My voice began to fail me and the tears were building in my eyes. He just got up and left like he did the first time. I was still shaking when I got to the bathroom. I slipped off my pajamas and hopped in the shower. I had so much on my mind. Jenny... where would she be? I needed her. Did she get someone to take care of her seizures? Does she cut herself? Is she dead? Does she have money? Maybe she lied to me and is dead. No, she can't be dead. When I stepped out, my phone began ringing.

"Hello, this is Officer Tally from the local police department. We just wanted to inform you that we have a lead on your sister, Jenny. We will call you when we are for sure." and then she hung up.

The day started of rough, but I was gaiing hope. Liam and I met up to grab some coffee before our class.

"So you just like, spit the milk through your nose? For a stupid bet?" I couldn't control myself from laughing.

"Everyting tasted and smelled like milk for three weeks, I swear! Worst feeling ever, I will never do it again!"


"Okay, class, we have a new student today! His name is Harry Styles." The teacher chirped.

I silently cursed under my breath as he took the seat next to me.

"How'd you get in? You're actually smart? I never knew." I sneered.

"My dad is a very powerful man who can get me in any college I want. I am smart, you know. I did leave you."

Ouch. But I guess I deserved it because I provoked him. Why did he leave me? Oh rght, because I wanted to live out my dream. The day kept dragging on because Harry was now in every one of my classes. I went here to get away from him and now he just decides to show up and date my roommate...I bet he planned all of this. I bet his sick-minded father helped him.

"Hey, you okay? You seem off edge today." Niall said coming up to me. And in the middle of campus let all my frustration out and cried in Nialls arms while he cooed words of encouragement.

Harry's POV

Niall. She went to Niall. It broke my heart seeing her cry like that. That should be me, but it's not. I deserved to be hurt, not her. All she wanted to do was live out her dream and she caught me having sex with her room-mate, making out, and just being here probably hurt her. I'm such an idiot. A messed up, screwed up, lying idiot.

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