Chapter 10-The Bathtub

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Azriel finished drawing the bath, walking to the doorway and smiled. He watched her sitting on the bed, admiring her beauty in the soft fae light. She was his mate, nothing else in the world made him more happy than knowing that. Knowing she accepted the bond was more than he could have ever asked for.
He cleared his throat, her head turning as he stood in the doorway. "The bath is ready for you." He said giving her a smile.
Amara hugged her arms gently, smiling at him as she stood from the bed and walked over to him. Pushing up onto her tip toes, she kissed his cheek gently. "Thank you," She mumbled and gave him a quick hug, breathing in his scent.
She hadn't even realized how much she had missed his familiar smell of the mountains. How the scent had lingered on her and she hadn't even known.
Azriel chuckled, a low and rumbling sound, his arms wrapping around her shoulders drawing her closer. His fingers slipped trough her hair, ignoring the stinging in his muscles as he lifted up his arm. He didn't care, he just wanted to hold her.
Amara gently pulled away, looking up at him with a blush creeping up to her cheeks. "Join me in the bath?" She asked.
The request made Azriel's lips turn up into a grin and he nodded. "As you wish."
His arms slipped up under her and he pulled her up into his arms, like the night he took her flying. The pain was numbed as he focused solely on her. The smile that erupted onto her lips and the laugh that slipped from them.
Amara let him carry her into the bathroom, blushing a deep crimson. She hadn't realized bathing together meant him seeing her body naked. 'You're naked when you bathe dumbass' she thought to herself and she heard Azriel chuckle.
"Would you prefer we bathe separately?" His voice low and sultry, his breath hot against her ear making the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. Shivers went down her spine as she shook her head.
Azriel simply chuckled, placing her down onto the ground and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. "I can look away if you want me to." He said gently just wanting her to be comfortable.
"No," She said, her breath thin as she looked up at him. "I want you to watch."
Azriel's cheeks turned crimson at that, but his lips stayed curved in a smirk. "As you wish." He said in a whisper that had her legs squeezing together.
Amara let her lips curve up into a smirk, stepping away from him a little bit. She pulled off the thin shirt that she had been wearing, revealing her plump breasts.
Azriel stood back against the bathroom wall, watching her intently. His eyes scanned her exposed torso, his cheeks burning.
Amara smirked, "Are you blushing?" She teased and Azriel let out a small growl. "If you don't hurry the bathwater will turn cold and I'll have to punish you for it."
Damn him, kinky bastard.
A small chuckle left her lips as she fully undressed and waited for him to do the same. "Your turn sweet heart." Slipping into the tub, sighing as the still warm water hit her skin.
Azriel efficiently slipped out of the single pair of pants he had been wearing. Amara stared at him, her eyes taking in his 'wingspan' and took in a hard gulp. Azriel smirked, walking over to the tub and climbed in behind her. His hands gripped her hips and pulled her back towards him, his impressive length pressed up against her back making her gasp.
She wished they both weren't so injured so she could take a bit more time to appreciate his length. Her cheeks heated, trying to not think about the feeling of him pressed up against her when she felt his breath on her ear.
"Next time," He said and picked up the jar of pine scented soap placed in a fine bottle. He placed a small amount onto a rag, dipping it into the water then brushed it over her body.
"I didn't know you bought fancy soaps." She said, sighing when his hands lightly massaged her sore muscles in her back with the soapy rag.
"I enjoy smelling nice, plus the pine only comes in fancy bottles." He shrugged, giving her shoulders light kisses.
Amara giggled softly, shutting her eyes and leaned back into his hands. Her head leaned back into his shoulder, looking up at the ceiling. "Azriel?" She asked softly, her eyes focused on a small shadow as the fae light flickered in the bathroom.
"What is it?" He asked, his hands moving up to wash off her shoulders and her arms, making sure he was careful of the light bruises.
"What were you thinking, when I was blacked out?" She asked curiously. She knew Feyre and Rhys had been watching over her, worried about her. But what had Azriel been doing? Had he even been awake during that time?
Azriel's hands stilled on her shoulders, a sigh slipping from his lips as he wrapped his arms loosely around her waist. "I wasn't awake for most of it. The explosion, or blast, had me knocked out for a number of hours at the same time you were. When I woke up I asked where you were, if you were okay. I was so worried you had gotten injured because I hadn't been there to protect you.
"I pushed past Rhys who insisted I stay into bed and hunted you down, looking through every room until I found you. The relief I felt when I saw you were alive was," he sighed, "I'd never felt such fear like that in my life." His voice was softer, quiet that time.
"I sat by your bedside, holding your hand and tugging on the bond hoping you would wake up and come back to me. I thought you would leave me, and the pain I felt knowing I could have done more to protect you was soul crushing."
Amara's lip wobbled and she bit down on it to hold in her tears that started to form and sting her eyes.
"After sun set, far after sun set Feyre had dragged me back to my own room to speak with Cassian and Mor about the explosion but I couldn't think clearly. Not with you possibly dying in the other room. So they sent me to bed but I didn't sleep until you woke up and walked through that door."
Amara twisted in his arms, wrapping her legs around his hips and pulled him into a tight hug. She buried her face into his neck. "I don't deserve you," She whispered into his skin. Azriel blinked in shock, tilting her head up to face him, her eyes glossy with tears. "If I don't get to say it, neither do you." His lips curved into a gentle smile, then found their way to hers.
She didn't deserve him, no matter how many times he might tell her otherwise he was too good for her. He was everything a woman should want in a man and she hadn't done anything special to earn him as her mate.
Azriel wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to his chest giving her a loving kiss. He reluctantly pulled away for air, brushing his thumb over her bottom lip. "You are everything I want and more Amara." He said softly looking up into her enchanting eyes.
Amara blushed softly, pressing her forehead against his and sighed. Azriel's hands gently rubbed up and down her lower back, grazing over a few bruises that annoyed her and old scars she hated. His callused fingers grazed her scared skin while his lips kissed both of her cheeks.
She looked down at him, her fingers slipping through his dark hair, twisting the longer strands around her finger. She leaned down, pressing another kiss to his lips. This kiss slow and passionate, the opposite of their first. Her fingers brushed through his hair as his hands rested on her hips, his thumb rubbing the untouched skin there generously.
The kiss slowly began faster, deeper and Amara grabbed his hair in fistfuls. His arms fully wrapped around her back, pressing her closer to his chest forcing her breasts against his bandaged chest. Her cheeks burned and she felt a warmth between her legs. She gasped for breath as she felt him start to press harder against her as she sat in his lap.
Azriel slowly pulled away before he went too far, looking up into her eyes that begged for more. They were both panting, cheeks a deep crimson. "Not now," He said, his voice thin and husky. "I want you fully recovered before I take you." It almost came out as a growl which only made that warmth grow.
But, she let him finish washing off her body, the sexual tension between them hard to ignore as they washed each other then dried off.
Amara wrapped a towel around her, twisting her hair over her shoulder as she walked back out and went over to his wardrobe.
Azriel has to think of every single moment in his life that brought him unhappiness, disgust, anything at all the rid his very noticeable erect length. He wrapped a towel around his waist, splashing his face with the now cold bath water before he drained the tub and walked back into the bedroom. His problem was not better, not by much at least as he watched her curiously.
"Do you need me to fetch any clothes for you from your room?" He asked, watching her back as she pulled out an old shirt of his and dropped the towel around her body.
He had to look away quickly, gripping the towel around his waist so it wouldn't fall off or open and he stalked into the small closet to dress. He found a loose pair of sleeping pants and pulled them on, staring at the wall to try and fix his 'Issue' again.
Amara pulled his shirt over her head, turning to see him staring intently into the closet and she raised a brow. "Find something of interest in there?" She asked, going over to climb into the bed and grinned when he turned around.
"If you need to take care of that you can." She teased and Azriel walked out of the closet rolling his eyes. "If you were recovered we wouldn't be having this problem now would we?"
Amara giggled, curling up under the large, fluffy sheets of Azriel's bed as he climbed in beside her. He smiled, wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his chest, resting his head on top of hers against the pillows.
"Get some rest, we both need it." He said gently, brushing his fingers through her hair again as he looked down at her.
She nodded, curling up into his chest. Her eyes slowly shut, nuzzling her face into the crook of his neck and his own eyes shut. The fae light died out, leaving only the moonlight of the night seeping into the room. His hand slowed in her hair, falling into a deep sleep.
Amara smiled into his neck, sleeping in the arms of her mate for the rest of the night, happier than she had ever been.

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