Chapter 5-The Library

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It had been a week since Amara joined the inner circle and the dinner. She hadn't stopped thinking about Azriel in that time, about their conversation on the roof. She hadn't seen him since, always keeping busy.

She sighed as she sat in the House of Wind, finally having a bit of a break for the day. She had been in charge of looking after the city. Listening to the people and making sure they were constantly protected. Someone to always be there if anything happened.

Amara laid on the chaise lounge, her book open as she read through the pages. It had been quiet in the House. The only people really living there being her and Nesta when she needed time alone from Cassian.

She crossed her ankles as she flipped another page and she heard someone entering the house. She assumed it to be Nesta, yet again annoyed by the dashing Cassian. She didn't know why she found him so insufferable. But then again, Nesta found anyone insufferable outside of Elain.

Amara kept her nose shoved thoroughly into her book as the footsteps grew louder towards the door. "Got annoyed with Cassian already?" She called, her eyes never leaving the book. "I have a few books for you to read if you want to."

The footsteps paused at the door and she looked up, opening her mouth to make a remark about Cassian until she saw those familiar Hazel eyes. "Oh, hello Azriel." She said, a bit more breathless than what she was hoping for.

He stood in the doorway, face plain as he gazed at her. He wore that familiar scaled armor and his blue syphons flared slightly. She had only ever seen them do that when Nesta pushed on Cassian's buttons a little too much. Or Cassian got far too flustered in public and it was one indication of his change in emotion.

"Everything all right?" She asked, shutting her book and placed it into her lap. She glanced over at him, seeing those massive wings tucked in close to him and she wanted to run her fingers over them again.

He dipped his head in response. "I just wanted some time alone." He said with his voice low again.

"I can leave if you'd like?" She asked, going to sit up from the chaise when he held up a hand.

"No you don't have to do that. I'll just go into another room." He turned and she raised a brow, watching him walk away until his body was out of sight.

She wondered if he had wanted to read and she had ruined that. Azriel was the one to enjoy having alone time, but why did he always seem to avoid her the most? The most she had seen of him was during a meeting. He had instantly disappeared in shadows when she arrived. Feyre had later told her that he often ran off when she was supposed to join them.

Amara shook her head, reopening her book trying to at least continue reading. She groaned when she couldn't focus, only thinking of Azriel now. "Why can't I focus?" She mumbled and placed the book back into her lap.

She stood from the chaise, holding the book in her hand as she walked towards the doorway. Just as she was ready to leave she walked right into something. She cursed, having not even seen anything except shadows and flushed. Azriel.

She had spotted him, even worse she had walked into him.

He hadn't expected her to walk after him. He had been too curious about his mate to walk away. He wanted to gaze at her for just a little bit longer. It had been relaxing, finally being able to see her after his constant running away for the past week.

Azriel held in a curse as he looked down at her, forming from the shadows and stepped back. "Sorry." He said, his eyes focusing on the floor as he stood flustered. It took all of his restraint not to run his fingers through her hair, or something else impulsive.

"That's okay." She said, her own gaze staring into one of his Syphons which flared from his embarrassment. "I thought you walked away." She mumbled, trying to make conversation with him.

Why had he walked back? Cauldron boil him he should have just left it alone. She deserved better than to be stuck with him as a mate. He couldn't even grow the balls to look her in the eye, or look at her at all.

He nodded as she took her own step away from him to glance up at his face. "I'm leaving if you still wanted to be alone." She mumbled and went to walk around him.

"I-I think I'd like some company, if you don't mind." He blurted out quickly, his hand having reach out for her arm to stop her. He didn't want her to go. In fact, for once, he wanted her to be next to him. The bond had settled in the past week and the feeling, while still foreign to him, was slightly comforting.

He did not deserve her, Cauldron he wasn't worth the energy. But the thought of reading with her was a nice one.

He noticed the small smile the tugged at her lips, his eyes finally meeting hers. Those golden eyes he had yet to admire.

"Not at all," She said and lead him into the library.

Azriel felt his lips slip up into a smile as he walked over to the lounge, sitting on the edge and realized he didn't have a book on him.

"There are a few books if you want any suggestions?" She offered, sitting down on the other side of the small chaise lounge, sitting on her feet.

He gave her a sheepish smile and nodded. "Yes thank you."

Azriel raised a brow when she smiled and jumped up from the chair, walking around the many shelves of books and picked up an armful. "I love a lot of these books." She let out a giggle and it was music to his ears.

It was a sound he wanted to hear always.

Amara walked over to him, arms stacked with books for him to read.

It was a deep love of hers, reading. Getting to share it with someone that didn't glare at her all the time was a relief. Nesta usually ignored her suggestions and did not enjoy talking about the books.

"I know it's a lot," She said setting down the books on the coffee table, realizing just how many books she had picked up. "I think I got carried away." She mumbled softly.

She looked over at him and felt flustered, his face softer than before with his lips tugged up into a gentle smile. "I haven't seen you smile before, I like it." She blurted out before she could stop herself. Her eyes went a little wide and it only made Azriel's smile grow.

"Forgive me for not smiling sooner." He said playfully, making her cheeks flush pink.

"You are forgiven." She replied, a soft grin on her lips as she plopped back down onto the chaise and curled up into the arm opening her own book. "I hope you like at least one of those books."

Azriel raised a brow, starting to sift through the many books. "And if I don't?" He asked curiously, finding one and held it in his hands.

"Then I'm afraid we can no longer be friends." She raised her eyes from her book, grinning playfully over at the Spymaster.

They had not spoken often, but she hoped they would have more conversation together. She enjoyed their light conversations and the hinted playfulness at times. It was refreshing, especially from Nesta's dark and sassy attitude.

Azriel let out a chuckle, starting to open up the books. "That would be a shame."

She glanced over at him as he started to read, smiling softly as bits of his hair softly fell around his face. Not being his friend would be a very large mistake for anyone. She should never have been afraid of the Spy master. He was kind and having lived without knowing him for so long had been a mistake. Amara wanted to spend as much time as she could befriending the soft Illryian spy. That feeling in her gut welcome whenever he was around, and would be a feeling she missed when he left her.

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