Chapter 2- The Coversation

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Amara looked around the room as she walked through the balcony doors which she had opened with her magic.
             Her eyes searched for Feyre, but fell upon the Shadowsinger instead. He seemed brooding and dark, hiding in his shadows like that. He was observing her as she observed him.
            She had to contain the slight fear she felt at the appearance of his shadows, creeping over his shoulders. He seemed to notice her discomfort towards the shadows and dispersed them slightly. He was the first to look away, dipping his head.
            "You came!" Feyre exclaimed, walking over to her from where she had been standing with Rhysand; the High Lord of the Night Court. She had never actually seen any of them in person, except for Feyre. She had been so worried about meeting them, having heard stories about them all.
             Feyre wrapped her arms around her in an embrace which she returned, finally letting a smile fall onto her lips.
             "Of course I came, why wouldn't I?" She asked and the two girls giggled softly at each other.
              Rhysand walked up behind his mate, one arm around her back as he bowed his head to Amara. "Pleasure to meet you." His voice was as smooth as silk and she finally understood why Feyre never shut up about him, or anyone else that knew of the kind hearted High Lord. Not only was he attractive but smooth as all hell.
              A man with shoulder length hair chuckled from her left, standing with a woman with eyes that shot daggers into her soul. She knew that look, that protective 'don't touch my man' gaze. She understood and would respect. Everyone in the room was unnervingly attractive and she suddenly felt inadequate in their presence.
             "Hello High Lord." She said and went to bow but he shot up a hand to stop her. "No need for that here. You're one of us now." He said with a smile, gesturing for her to follow them towards the table.
              There, sitting radiantly with her legs crossed and a full bottle of wine in her hand was the Morrigan. She had only ever heard stories of the famous illryian woman and she became a giggling idiot in her presence.
             "I see you've already cracked open the wine?" Rhysand asked his cousin who simply grinned with a shrug of her shoulders.
               "We have a new member, wine was needed for such an occasion."
               Rhysand rolled his eyes at his cousin, but that smile never left his lips. He guided his mate towards the end of the table and sat down with her as Amara nervously approached Mor.                               "You're Mor? The Morrigan?" She asked, feeling foolish for the question.
But the woman nodded with a smile, "I am, you should sit beside me tonight!" She said excitedly and Amara immediately pulled out the chair beside her.
            Azriel continued to brood in the corner, watching everyone interact in the room. Mor grinned and turned her head towards the quiet man. "Azriel! Come join us you brood."
             He held in a sigh as he uncrossed his arms and silently walked towards the table, heading for the chair on the opposite side or Mor. "Elain, why don't you sit here?" Mor said quickly, knowing of the singers intentions, patting the empty seat beside her.
              Now Azriel would be forced to sit by Amara, which made her nervous but she held in a shiver as he quietly sat on the side of her. As Elain held Lucien's hand walk to the chairs beside Mor and sat down. The soft featured woman glanced over at Amara. "What's your name?" She asked, her voice soft as the wind.
Amara glanced at the woman, noting the auburn haired man beside her she identified as Lucien. She had at least met him in passing before.
             "My name is Amara." She said kindly, letting that smile find her lips again, not having noticed it dropped when Azriel approached her. Why was she so unnerved by Azriel?                   Rhysand and the others did not bother her, other than they were legends. But the spy, the one who slipped through the shadows, he made her nervous and conjured a tickle in her gut.
The feeling was foreign to her and she assumed it to be nerves, fear for the quiet male.
             "Beautiful!" Mor exclaimed, seeming to be the one with the loudest personality at the table. "You must tell me where you got this dress by the way," She slipped her fingers over the sheer, loose sleeve of her dress. "I love it!"
            The woman beside the long haired man, his red syphons visible on his hands revealing who he was, scanned her eyes up and down her outfit seeming to have the opposite opinion of it.
           "Amara, I told you of my sisters, Nesta and Elain." Feyre said pointing to the two and now she knew why the woman kept glaring at her. That was just her usual face apparently.
           "This is Cassian, Rhysands General, and that is Azriel our court spy." The two men dipped their heads, a proud smirk sitting on Cassian's face.
             "Now how, after centuries, has our High Lady chosen a new member to join our small court?" Cassian asked curiously, rested an elbow onto the table which Nesta promptly swatted off with her hand. They were an odd couple she thought to herself.
             "Well it's quite a long story," She said shyly remembering how her and Feyre had met and the proposition to join.
              Feyre sat back in her chair, already sipping wine and saying who knew what through her mind with Rhysand, considering the smirks playing on both their mouths. Mor groaned, "Can you two not have your little mind games at the dinner table?"
              Feyre blushed and Rhysand's smirk just deepened. Cassian rolled his eyes and she heard a faint giggle from Elain. Amara smiled as she observed them all, this seeming to be the usual dinner routine for them.
               Mor stuck out her tongue at the High Lord and she thought she heard a light chuckle coming from the shadowsinger. She dared to look at him, seeing the fury of shadows around him, but beneath those the edges of his lips curved up into a very subtle smile.
               The feeling in the pit of her stomach acted up again and she quickly looked away, making Mor giggled. "Don't worry he doesn't bite. Now one of you better tell us that story."
                Feyre smiled, her hand wrapped around Rhysands. "Well, I fell on her one day when I was flying."
                 Everyone seemed shocked and looked between them both, making Feyre and Amara burst out laughing. Even Azriels eyes were wide as he looked at Feyre.
                 "You did what?" Rhysand asked, a hint of a laugh in his voice.

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