Even Minji's little frown couldn't last long against the little smile he gave her. "Thanks." As she stepped on through, he followed right on after her.

The two of them went right up to the counter to get themselves something to drink before finding themselves a window seat for two. After the first sip, something was wrong. With Minji looking out the window and Jimin around the cafe, a lingering silence presented itself between the both of them, but it seemed to poke at him the most. So much, that he became sick and tired of it and decided to be the one to make conversation first, as usual.

"You look really cute today."

"Oh," she looked over his way, "thanks."

"How about me?" he pointed to himself with an expectant smile.

"Mm...you look cute too, I guess."

Jimin sighed. "That wasn't what I was going for though."

"I'm kidding," she smiled with a bit of blush. "You look handsome. Nice job dressing yourself today."

Feeling his racing heart, Jimin just smiled and looked down at the table's decorations.

"An aquarium?" you looked up at the big building before you in awe.

"Do you wanna go somewhere else?" he asked.

"No, no, I'm just a bit surprised, that's all. Let's go in!" From then on, you were the one pulling Taehyung along. The first few steps were all bit little glances at the little fish. But all of sudden, you had a sharp intake that made Taehyung look down at you in question. "Sunbae, look!" You left his side as soon as you entered the dimly lit setting. "It's Nemo." You jogged up the glass. The little Clownfish was swimming all around the anemone all by itself.

Taehyung followed up from behind. "Aren't you the little kid. I've never seen you this excited other than when you're about to eat some ice cream." The way you smiled from ear to ear at the sight of the small fish blew flutters into his heart. "Let's keep looking," he said, draping an arm around your shoulder.

Never could you ignore the casual ways in how he touched and acted towards you. you tried acting as normal as possible without giving away how he was making you feel. The both of you walked on to try and find larger aquatic mammals. "Look at the Mommy and Daddy Stingray with their baby~" you cooed at the adorable sight. Seeing them interact with each other just full-on melted your heart. "Aren't they adorable, sunbae?"


"Hm?" you blinked.

"I want you to call me only by my name today, okay?" he took you by the chin. "Today I'm taking out the girl that I like, not my hoobae, understand?" he raised a brow.

"Yes." The blush seemed never-ending.

Mr. Shallow || K. TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now