What Charlie Thinks

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Chapter 4- What Charlie Thinks

Charlie's P.O.V

My laptop was rested on my out stretched legs and my tea was on the table. I could've been here all day. But sadly, I couldn't. I was meeting Pj at his flat later today. Besides, I was thinking of filming a video. I don't know.

As I mindlessly searched around on YouTube, I came across a video on featured titled, " An Introduction " I clicked on it. After a short ad, a girl appeared. She had hair a little longer than her shoulders, but what I really noticed were her bright, hazel eyes. I watched the rest of the video. I won't lie, she made me laugh. I clicked on her channel. "KatintheBox", it was called. Clever. I watched another one of her videos, and another, and another. No wonder she reached 1 million subscribers. I was around 2 million

myself. I couldn't help but thinking that she would be perfect for Pj, though. She was funny, she made many short films, as I observed, and great ideas. I decided to message her on twitter. I wrote:

Hey, I've seen some of your videos and they are really funny! Do you think if you ever came to England, you would like to make a video together? It should be fun!

-Charlie McDonnell

I picked my words carefully. What would she think? Would she really come to London to shoot a video? I wasn't sure. I clicked send.

Later that night, my phone buzzed, it was Kat. I read it.

Hey Charlie, thanks for watching my videos! I'm really glad you like them. So I actually have quite a surprise. I m moving to London! I will be going to school at the University of London in 6 months time but I'm heading over there sometime soon. I hope we can meet up some time after I settle in. Bye!


I couldn't believe she was moving to London?! I'm sure I could get her and Pj together. Maybe say I needed to drop something off at his flat? Ill figure it out. For now, I won't say anything to Pj. Maybe I'll refer him to her channel?

Maybe. This will be great. I turned on my phone and texted Pj.

Hey Peej! I Found this cool YouTube channel I think you might like. Check it out? It's called Katinthebox.


3 months later

I managed to get Pj to internet fall in love with Kat. He wouldn't stop talking about her. How her short film ideas were brilliant, how she was so funny, it was a bit annoying at times. Little did he know the surprise that was coming for him. I couldn't wait. Kat was coming tomorrow morning, I plan to give her a few days to settle in. Than maybe, I'll offer to pick her up and then go drop something off at Pj's flat. Yes, my plan would go perfectly, I would be the best evil genius.


Hey guys, I know that chapter was a bit short, but how did you like it from someone else's perspective? Tell me what you think, I plan to do more P.O.V (point of view) in the future!

Check out my YouTube Channel! KatintheBox

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