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''What?'' was the only thing that Madison was able to ask..''Madison, I know its hard for you to belive,but I am here to help you!'' Belle said trying to convense Madison. Its hard to belive that Belle actully want to help Madison,since she saw how much she loves him. ''How can I stust you?'' Madison asked with a scared expression.

''Do you want to show you magic? Or do you want to do it?'' Belle asked Madison with a bold gaze.Madison saw still scared but confirmed that she want to do it,but she doesn't know how. ''Its okay Mad, I will teach you,but after that I want to know if you will belive me?'' Belle asked carefully. ''I will.'' Madison replyed and Belle went near her.She touched her chest and told her to shout factus liberatio heka. 

''Fatus Libaratio Heka!'' Madison shouted with her full power/voice and then,she started to shine.She shined so bright,that it can be brighter than the sun! She was feeling something inside of her that started to build, its was her powers.Her true self. 

Aftrer she stoped to shine,Madison asked curiously Belle ''How did you do it?'' ''It was you who did it,not me.'' Belle said with a big smile on her face.She was happy to see how much of power Madison has.This was she can be sure that Madison is strong enought to fight for her Daniel.

''Now I belive you.I belive that you want to help me.''Madison said and hugged tight Belle.Of course Belle hugged her back,aswell.After they broke the hug Belle told everything about herself to Madison.Where she came from,the fact that others think she is dead,Alice and Becca,even Jackson. Madison was so shocked when she heard all thoose things. She tought that something is wrong with her ears and she doesn't hear well,but the thruth is that each and every word of Belle was true. ''So do you want Daniel back? For yourself?'' Madison asked with a big sad expression. 

''No.''Belle said and paused for a second then she continued ''I gave up on Daniel. I want him to be happy with the person he loves now. You.'' Belle answered with a big smile on her face that can bright every person's sad mood. She finally understand that to move on is the best thing for her to do.Afterall she is different, she doesn't want to be like Alice and Becca. She is different, and she is sure that she will fall in love again with someone else,and then that person will be the one! 

Madison took Belle's hands and squzeed them.''Thank You.'' Madison said while tears from joy falled on her face. Belle continued to smile and wiped her tears saying ''There is no time for crying, we need to make a plan for tonight's party.'' Belle said and stared at the picture on the counter.She had an idea,that she told Madison about.


It was time for the beach party, Madison was wearing a top of bikini suit and light short jeans.

It was time for the beach party, Madison was wearing a top of bikini suit and light short jeans

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While, Belle was wearing jean top and shorts and cute white shorts.

Belle was ready to shine,but with a littel help of Madison she changed her face and voice

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Belle was ready to shine,but with a littel help of Madison she changed her face and voice. Belle was ready to acompany Madison to the party and help her with they're plan.


At the party....

''Hey Madison!''  Jackson said greeting her entering the Beach Party. ''I didn't expect you here.'' He said suprised. ''Why? Is it forbidden for me to come?'' Madison said with a smirk on her face.She was ready to strike. ''Haha, of course no. Its just you and Daniel-'' ''Me and Daniel? There is nothing to discuss about us, since I moved on.'' Madison said cuting Jackson on the right moment. ''So where is the birthday boy? I should wish him,right?'' Madison said with a devilish smile on her face.

''Are you asking about me?'' Daniel asked, makeing Madison to turn around and face him. ''Oh,look! Just for who I asked.Happy Birthday Daniel!'' She said with a playful voice and hugged him. Daniel looked at Madison with confusen face after they broke the hug. ''I didn;t expect you to be here.'' Daniel said with a sad voice looking stright into Madison's eyes. ''Really? Woah, why does everyone say that? Its getting me kinda pissed.'' Madison said poked Daniel. 

''So why are you here?'' Daniel asked with a worried face. He tought that Madison might me drunk, its not safe for her being here with such a hot outfit, plus if she is drunk.. 

''What do you mean?''Madison asked him. ''Is it forbidden for me to come?'' She asked again. ''No its not that..'' Daniel said while trying to find words. He looked confused. ''Hey Madison!'' Alice said smileing and curveing her hand into Daniel's. 

''What brings you here?'' Alice asked while fakeing a smile. ''Thats what I want to ask you,Amy.'' Madison said and laughted.  ''Haha, I meant why aren't you here, and not on the dance floor *she means on the beach dance floor*?'' ''Oh, I see. Well I was just going with my boyfriend Daniel.How about you? Did you like it here? How about the drinks.'' Alice winked at Madison and was ready to leave when Madison said ''I see. So you and you're boyfriend are going to dance, how about me and myne boyfriend dance along with you? And for the drinks, I still haven't tried them. For sure I will like it here, the night will be interesting.'' She said and winked

''And Who Is you're boyfriend?'' Alice said confused. ''Jackson.'' Madison replyed and saw sadness in Daniel's eyes. ''Come here baby!'' She said and kissed Jackson infront of everyone.While they were kissing Madison's eyes were open and she was looking at Daniel...


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