Chapter 15

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I turn to my mother. She looks up at me. I walk back into the house. I hover my hand over my dad. My dad hovers over the floor. His wounds disappear. I lay him back on the floor. I leave my mom and I go with my brother to the room where my uncle and other brother are laying on the bed. I hover my hand over them and their wounds disappear too. I leave my brother with them. Ellie follows me to where the kids are. I do the same for them too. I leave Ellie to attend to them. I walk by myself into my husbands room. I walk to the bed. I look at my husband.

I say, "Ashton when I bring you back to life you and the kids have to leave. You can't stay here. I want you to protect the kids and until we know that Justin is dead. You are not to come back with them until then."

I put my hand on Ashton. I keep him on the bed due to the knife in his chest. I pull it out. I put my hand over his heart. I scream in pain. I fall to the floor. My dad and mother run in and pick me up and take me to the bunker. They lay me down to rest. Ashton wakes up and looks around for me but he finds a note that I wrote before I did anything. The note says: I'm sorry Ashton, but I need you to get the kids out of here. It's to dangerous for them. I cannot let you stay here. I'm safe. I'm hidden. Justin is still alive as you know. The whole town is after him. If you see him you needs to run and run fast. I love you. Don't come back. I will go to you when this is over.

~Your wife.

He leaves the note and goes to grab the kids and leaves the house. I never saw them again.

20 Years Later...

I've grown into my forty's, I haven't seen my kids forever. They are older now I'm going to guess... just as I was writing in my journal my messenger comes along and tells me they've found him.

I said, "Thank you, now take me to him."

We run to the sound proof, windowless house. I open the door and slam it shut.

I said to him, "It's nice of you to join me Justin. I was wondering if you were ever going to be back. I hear you have five kids. I wonder what your new wife knows you're him. Probably not but you are still going to get what's coming to you!"

I grab the wolfs bane covered knife.

I ask him, "Now do have anything you would like to say before I kill you?"

Justin says, "Have you ever thought about what really is going on babe? Do you know how long I loved you?"

Before he says another word I grab his hand and stab him he chokes me and I pass out.




Babe please wake up, you've been asleep all week, Michael and Angel need you. There hungry.

I wake up and I see Justin. I look around. It was just a nightmare. None of this happened. I get up and hug him and kiss him. Everything felt so real. I never could get ride of it. I shift and so does Justin. I've always knew I was a wolf. I always knew I could shift. I shift back. I grab Angel and Michael and hug them tightly. Justin joins me.

Justin says, "I'm so glad we got married, I'm so happy we have our kids. Nothing can change this now. I love you Marissa!"

"I love you too baby, I said. Come on let's go home."

~So this the end of A Wolf's Tail. I love you all. I might add a sequel but for right now thank you to all my readers. Signing off! Let me know if I should add a sequel!


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