Chapter 6

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Hola guys, so as you know I've been adding more chapters, I'm doing it slowly for today due to a travel day so hope you like Chapter 6.

Marissa's POV
I lay on the table, Dr. Grange asks me to count back from five in my head... 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. I'm out. The gas put me out for I don't know how long but I had this dream while being put under. I saw our kids all grown up. Well not all grown up they were at least 5 and here comes walking out with Justin our little 4 year old baby boy Tharon Jr, I named him after my dad. Tharon comes running at me saying mommy mommy mommy, look what daddy got me. He shows me a little toy car. I say awe darling it looks like your late grandfathers car. I then look up at Justin and I smile. He helps me up. I'm carrying a child for my best friend Samantha because she can't have kids because she is sterile. So I am helping her and her husband Chris. Justin and I walk to the meadow and pick flowers for my mother and fathers grave. My mom likes lilacs and my dad loves marigolds, Angel grabs the flowers. I pick her up and carry her to the car. Come on kids, let's go see Grandpa and Grandma. We visit the grave and we see Todd and his wife Kenzie and there three adorable triplets, Maggie, Kelly, and Jenny. They set down flowers for there uncle. We join them and Todd looks at me with tears in his eyes. I tell him, I know Todd, but they're both in a better place. He hugs me. I look at him and say, Todd I can't breathe, your causing me to lose consciousness. But I was brought out of my dream. I wake up and look around and I see my whole family smiling.

Justin says, "Hi baby, the surgery went perfect, the kids need you."

"I'm so happy, I said. I had a wonderful dream. I saw everything that I wanted to see and this baby is going to be a boy, I want to name him Tharon Jr, after his grandfather."

Justin gets up from his chair and comes over to me and just hugs me tightly.

In another area of the hospital, Kenzie and Todd hold there kids.

Todd's POV
I look at my wife and our beautiful three kids. I just think to myself, how did this happen to me. I can't tell Marissa that I ordered Frank to kill her, I just can't. Every time I look in the mirror, I see a monster. I told Frank to kill her father, and her mother. I'm the one responsible for this. All I wanted was to be ruler again. I didn't want my son or her too. Why did I do this? My brother and I were the perfect duo. We always came together. I can't face Marissa ever again, not after what I had done to my very own brother. I can't even tell my own son. He will have me banished or even worse killed. I have to keep this to myself and never think about it after I get out of this sound/thinking proof room. I should be killed for what I have done. I don't deserve to be here on earth anymore. I need to leave this place. I need to run far away and not leave a sent. I need that wolfs babe necklace, so no one will find me. I need to destroy my scent before anyone finds out that I ordered him to kill my brothers family. I put the baby down and I run, I grab my cloak and run for my sons house and grab the necklace, I destroy my scent before anyone finds out.

A messenger arrives in the hospital room where Marissa and Justin are.

"Alpha Marissa, I have news on the front... The messenger is out of breathe. Todd, he... he... ordered Frank... to kill you and... You family," he says.

Everyone is silent in the room and John growls and shifts into his form of a black silk wolf, his eyes glow of yellow, he howls and runs out and tries to find Todd, but he is long gone before John could catch a scent but he still runs into the woods, and howls for any wolf who is out there to meet him at the spot in 2 hours. He runs back to the hospital. Marissa is crying. Justin is trying to comfort her but nothing seems to work.

Justin says, "He will die for this, I will not let him be free."

He screams in the next room. He shifts into his form of a red wolf with alpha red eyes. He growls and then howls.

Zander comes running and he goes to Marissa's room. He then grabs her, unhooks her from the machine and John runs in and grabs the kids and they take them to the hidden bunker that no one else knows about except them.

Marissa's POV
I think to myself of what has become of my uncle. He was always there for my father and my family has always been so close. Why would he want to hurt my family and kill me? I just don't understand why he would do this. He has to be cursed. I look for my necklace of wolf bane, but it's gone. I yell, "HE TOOK IT!!! The bastard took my wolfs bane." I look every where for it making sure I didn't misplace it but it's not there. I turn the bunker upside down, I left my necklace here. How did he get in here I think to myself. I'm stressing out so much I start to black out. Justin catches me and puts me on the bed. He just caress my chin. Saying, he will be punished for this.

~ So I hopes you liked Chapter 6, I would love to hear your feedback so PM or let me know in the comments down below, love you my pretties.

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