Chapter 5

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I breathe in the air it feels very fresh. I then open my eyes and Ashton is standing over me with a worried look on his face.

"Marissa don't you dare ever do that again, Justin said. I can't lose you now. Angel, Michael, and I need you more than ever. This little baby inside you needs you too. Please promise me you won't ever do this again?"

I say, "I promise," then I kiss him.

"Dr. Grange, I would like the surgery to start tomorrow for my wife. We need to focus on this child if we want it to survive, Justin said. I love you Marissa."

"I love you too," I said and I hugged him.

"Come on in John," said Justin.

I have tears rolling down my face. I look at him and my brother John has grown up. He finally came home from the war. I get up off the bed and I hug him tightly.

"I never wanted to let him go. Oh John please never leave me again you know I can't live without you here," I said.

" Well sis, you know I have to go back in six months, John says. But I'll stay here with you until you get back up on your feet unless they need me sooner than they think. I'm just so glad your okay though after what happened to mom and dad I thought I was the only one left. But Zander called and told me I should visit you to make sure you're okay. Oh, Zander said he'd be down here Wednesday."

"Well I'm just glad to see you, you know Zander hasn't seen me for two years now, I haven't seen you for five years. You've grown up my brother. Mom and dad wanted you to have this. I hand him dads bow and moms arrows. Dad handcrafted this bow for you while you were in the army. Mom got these arrows from our local tribe. I know dad would also want you to have this. I hand him dads old car keys. I know you love that thing. So take it. Justin and I have kids to take care of so I don't need it," I say to him.

He looks at me and then looks down. He asks, "May I?"

"Yes, you can," I said.

He puts his hand on my belly and he feels around.

"So where are Angel and Michael at right now," John asks.

"They are with Kenzie right at the moment, I said. She should be bringing them by if you can stay?"

John says, "I would love too but first... he grabs his bag, I have something for you mom gave me this before I left for the army."

He opens the box and pulls out moms pack necklace of the locket that contains the only wolves bane that's left on earth except for the forbidden area of our land. We would be trapped there. It happened to my Uncle Liam. He went there with a Rogue. A human who beyond the gates of our land didn't know my uncle was a wolf and he died there. We couldn't get him out and Sarah couldn't either. We banished her from the land since then. No human since after my mother has come to the land.

I look at my brother, he gives it to me and wraps it around my neck and locks it into place.

He says, "You look just like mom. A whole lot like her. He wipes his eyes. Do you know where she's buried?"

I tell him and then I hug him. I told him that no matter what we go through we will always find each other. We need each other now more than ever.

Justin interrupts us by saying, "Angel and Michael are here, my stepmother went into labor early."

"Justin, go be with your mother, my brother and I are going to be fine, I said. I'll see you maybe tomorrow, after the surgery."

I kissed him good bye before picking up Angel.

"Hello my darlings," I said we a cheery voice.

John says, "Oh my gosh, Michael looks so much like you sis. Hi Mikey, I'm your Uncle, Uncle John."

Michael babbles like always.

Angel starts to cry and I rock her back and forth buy she doesn't fall asleep.

"John, could you turn your head for a moment," I ask.

I start to feed Angel before she falls asleep and John turns around right after I cover up.

"So how's Penelope doing," I ask him.

John says, "She's doing great, haven't you seen the paper, she's found a cure for a cancer that was incurable. She's so smart. I still can't believe she married a rich guys son. But she knew what she was doing."

John gets his phone out and shows me a picture of his wife and his baby boy John the Third. He was named after our great grandfather John the first. John was never going to let this one skip a generation he wants it to keep going.

I put Angel in the bed next to me and Michael sleeps with her. John and I talk until Justin runs in and saying, "I'm a big brother of 3 sisters what am I supposed to do Marissa?"

I say, "Just hold one. Look into the eyes of that little sister and say hi I'm going to be your big brother. And kiss her on her forehead. Do the same with the next two. Good luck darling."

Justin leaves and I look at John, we both start to laugh, I grab his hand and I start to cry.

"John, you sound just like dad when you laugh," I said.

"Marissa you know we always have parts of our parents that won't ever leave us, we will each discipline our kids like they did unto us. We are always going to be a part of them," John said.

The next day, "Marissa are you ready," asked Dr. Grange.

I told him, "as ready as I'll ever be Doc. Don't kill me."

~ So now chapter 5 that was a little more different. No deaths yet anyway. What's going to happen in the surgery we will find out in the next chapter. Love you all. Make sure to let me know what you think in the comments below.


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