Chapter 11

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He just sits there not saying anything. He picks up Tharon Jr. and throws him at the wall.

He says to me, "You fucking hate me, you tried to kill me and you left me!"

Tharon cries. My instinct kicks in. I shift really fast and I scratch him.

"You dare hurt my child! Get the hell out of here I will howl and my whole pack will be after you get out and leave, or I will kill you, you... you son of a motherfucking bitch," I said.

He doesn't move an inch. I bite his neck. He grabs his knife and jabs it in my side and I wince in pain and then I break his neck. He goes limp. I killed him. I let go of him. I shift back into my human form and I grab his gun on the side and I grab my kids. I shoot down the guard. I unstrap Ashton and get him out. I tell him to grab the guards gun. We go to where my parents scent is.

I say, "Put the gun down, or I won't go easy on you Mitch! Step down now!"

He grabs his gun and shoots. He misses me and I shoot both knees. He falls down.

Mitch says, "You won't get away with this you stupid bitch!"

I say, "Oh you don't think I can, Bastard you have another thing coming!"

I kick him hard in the stomach.

"Don't mess with this mama," I said.

I run into the room and find my parents with knife wounds. I check for their heart beats. I smile when I hear my dads. But I start to cry when I don't hear my moms. I get down on my knees and just bawl my eyes out. My dad wakes up and he grabs me and just holds me tight.

He says, "She died in the crash, in so sorry Marissa. If I just wasn't fucking driving so fast this would have never happened. Is Emma okay?"

"She's just fine. It's not your fault dad, you were just trying to make sure I didn't have the baby in the car and die," I said.

I grab my dad before he could say anything else. We all get out of the hospital before the rest of the Draven Pack finds us. We all run to the parking lot. We stop before Justin's guards see us. I had no idea what to do there until I saw my brother and my uncle drive up in a bullet proof vehicle. We all get in I strap in the kids and I hold Emma close to my chest.

Ashton says, "Marissa, the knife, let me get it out."

I tell him, "Ashton no don't touch it, it's keeping the blood in. I don't want to die. If you do I could bleed to death."

He looks at me and grabs Emma from me. I look at him and growl. He just looks at me and growls back.

Ashton says, "You're bleeding anyway, I am pulling it out now."

He pulls out the knife but no blood. The next thing Ashton sees is me passing out. Maybe I did pass out maybe I didn't.

~ So sorry guys it's a short chapter, I'm just so tired I can't do much today. I'm also getting out of ideas for the book so might end it early unless someone sends me ideas. Love you all.


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