Chapter 12

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Okay so maybe I'm not ending it, I had an idea before I went to sleep and I am going to go with that idea so I hope you like Chapter 12! Tell your friends about it. I want to let you know I dedicate this chapter to my best friend EDoan19 she's always been there for me! So let's get started my readers!

Ashton's POV
I just grabbed the knife, no blood and she just fell. I still hold Emma close to me. Her father grabs her and starts doing chest compressions. I just sit there doing nothing. I have failed my mate. I feel as if I'm destroying everything she has done in her life. It's all my fault. Bullets are hitting the back of our vehicle, so John drives faster. Liam grabs his gun and shoots for the drivers. He kills them all. I hand the baby to Tharon Sr. I start doing mouth to mouth.

I say, "Marissa you can't die on me now! I need you now more than ever."

I love her to death. I can't lose her not now. I start doing chest compressions. Blood starts gushing out of her knife wound. I rip my shirt off and tie it around her waist while Liam gets in the back and starts doing chest compressions. I grab my bag from the back. I look through it trying to find a needle and thread so I can stitch her up. I finally find them and I stick the needle into her skin. I stitch her all the way up. She is still breathing really hard. I feel around for something else. She's bleeding internally.

"John you need to drive faster, faster than ever, she's bleeding internally and I need my OR at the hospital close to home. Go straight and turn left in two miles please," I said.

Liam says, "If my niece dies, I am going to destroy you, she's all that is left in the pack. No one else knows that her father is alive."

I look at him with a death stare. He backs off from me.

Tharon says, "I give you all my trust son, you better keep her alive, Emma needs her!"

I say, "I will sir no matter what happens just know your daughter will live through this, she's survived everything else in life I'm going to make sure she wakes up with a smile!"

We arrive at my bunker and I get my wife out and carry her to the bunker downstairs where our private hospital
is. I lay her on the O.R. table and have my nurse and my surgical assistant help me. I clean my hands and I get all dressed up in sterilized clothes. I open her up. Blood is gushing out of her.

"Clamps nurse, I say. Carmen I need you to get O negative blood for me now she's lost a lot of blood."

"Yes sir," Carmen said.

He returns with the blood and my nurse hooks it up. I pause for five seconds, I pray that I won't mess this up. I get back to her. I put clamps on the area where the blood is coming out and my nurse puts lap pads in her to soak up the blood. I stitch up the area that has the clamp on it. I look at the clock, she's been under five hours. Her BP starts rising and her oxygen slows. The tone deaf sound moves me to her heart. I start compressions.

"I need the crash cart now, I said. Charge it to 50. Clear."


"Charge to 100, I said. Clear."

Still nothing. Still that dead tone of beeping. I hate this sound.

I say, "Charge to 200. Clear."

This time her BP goes down, her oxygen returns.

Carmen says, "We have sinus. I repeat we have sinus."

I start to stitch her up and I have tears in my eyes. My nurse wipes my eyes.

She says, "My son you have done it. You saved my daughter in law, only if your father could see this, he would be so proud of you!"

I finished stitching up my wife. I take her to the cozy room after I change out of the bloody clothes. I look at her and say, "I have you still and I will always will my darling, no one will ever hurt you again. I want you to understand that. I love you so much baby."

It's been hours since she was taken out of the O. R. she is still asleep, but I don't want to wake her. I grab the kids and put them to sleep on the bed next to her. I hold Emma and rock her to sleep after I feed her a bottle. Her dad walks in, so does her uncle and brother. They sit next to me and just hug me.

"My son you did it, her father says. I will never be able to repay you!"

I say, "You already have, your daughter is all the payment I can get, just being with her makes me joyful. Would you like to hold Emma?"

He says, "Of Course. You know she looks just like you."

Liam says, "I told you that already brother."

I just look at them and just laugh. I get Emma handed back to me when she starts to fuss. I rock her to sleep again. She lays there in my hands. Her dad leaves to go get food and comes back in three minutes. He got us all sandwiches. I eat mine aggressively because I haven't ate in seven hours and I was beyond hungry. Emma wakes up and needs a change so I leave to go change her and I walk back and I see John eyes go wide.

John says, "Look, she's waking up."

Everyone gets up and walks over to her. She opens and her eyes and smiles.

I say, "I love you."

~So guys what did you think. I hope you liked it because I did and I cried. I never thought in my life that I would cry so much. Well let me know why you thought in the comments below. I love you all!


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