Chapter 10

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Bonjour, so I have put this content on Mature because it needs it. I don't want kids that are under 13 to think this stuff is okay and I don't want people reporting this because I didn't put it on mature. So hope you like Chapter 10 let me know in the comments below. Thank you! Oh and also getting really close to 100 reads I've only been on here for 2 days and I'm still amazed how well I'm doing so thank you all for reading!

We both lay on the bed trying to catch our breath. I glance over him and I see yellow eyes. I grab my dress and I put it on really quick and whisper to Ashton that someone is coming. He grabs his pants and puts them on and he grabs me and puts me behind him. There's a knock at the door. I smell the scent and it's very familiar, almost too familiar. Ashton answers the door and I put my underwear on. I grab my shoes just in case. He falls to the ground and I turn around.

As nothing could have prepared me for this, I see my father and mother standing by each other. They are covered in blood. I stood there not saying a word.

My dad says, "Marissa please don't scream I don't need my daughters guards running after us."

I grab their hands and bring them in. I hand them two towels and clothes. Clean, clean clothes. I still do everything without saying a word. I'm still in shock. Ashton finally gets up off the floor and looks at me with concerned eyes.

I say, "Ashton, it's okay. I know it doesn't seem real but I think it is."

My parents change into the clean clothes after cleaning the blood off of them and fall to the bed.

I ask them, "How are you alive, you were dead, I saw your bodies?!"

My mother says, "I know Marissa, we should have told you what really happened. But we had to keep it a secret from Justin. I know everything is shocking but after we heard that you escaped from him we traveled a whole year trying to find you, and we did."

I asked, "What the fuck happened to you guys? I thought you were both dead," I say to them with tears in my eyes.

My father speaks, "We were caught by Justin he found us, he staged everything. After he left to go see you in the hospital we escaped the place and ran as fast as we could. I destroyed my scent and your mothers. We had to get away from there. I wanted to tell you but if he would have found out that we had escaped and went to town, he would have killed us."

I feel something from my dress and a wetness goes down my leg.

I say, "Ashton, I need to go to the hospital now, Emma is coming."

Ashton looks down and he calls Liam and tells him we are going to the hospital. He hangs up and tells my parents that we need to get to the hospital fast. They all shift and run to the car and shift back into human form and drive the car over here, I'm on the bed, and I'm trying to breathe in and out. Ashton picks me up and puts me into the car. My dad floors the car to the hospital.

I yell, "Slow the fuck down, you're going to get us in a crash. The baby isn't supposed to come until like 12 hours later."

Ashton then says, "Marissa, I don't think we are going to make it to the hospital, Emma wants to come now."


He looks at me and laughs. "Oh honey, it's going to be okay, this happens all the time, he said. Don't worry babe, I'm still a doctor, remember!"

I look at him and yell at him, "Fuck you! Fuck you! I don't give a donkeys ass if you are or not just get this baby out now!"

My father laughs as he drives the car to the hospital. But then, *Crash.*

I am being picked up, I was losing blood in the moment. I saw Ashton and my parents still there in the car but before I could say anything or yell or scream I blackout.

I wake up to the sound of Emma crying in the hospital, I look around and I see him. He found me and now I can't do anything, I have been strapped down to the bed and I can't feed my baby at all. He looks up from his book. He eyes me and calls for the nurse.

"Nurse you may unstrap her, she won't go anywhere or else little Emma Grange will be killed in an instant, he said. How are you doing Marissa? Oh yeah, Ashton and your parents are fine they are just being guarded by my men in there rooms."

I look at him and I don't say a word, the nurse hands me my baby and I feed her.

He continues to say, "So you aren't going to say anything to me? Hmmm... maybe this will help bitch. Asgard torture her husband for me please."

Ashton screams loudly.

I command, "Stop Justin just stop please. I'll do what you want please just don't hurt my family!"

Justin says, "Well I'm glad we have come to an understanding, this nurse has our two children outside should I have them come into see there little sister?"

I say to him, "You better not hurt them, but please don't let them know that I'm being kept here!"

Justin says, "I wouldn't think of it babe!"

My kids walk in and have blood on there hands.


~So I guess this would be a good place to end. If you haven't figured it out by now, I am Marissa in this. So thanks for reading. Let me know what you think, please I want to make my fans happy! Ps: if you vote or comment I will make shout outs in the book, so so what you may. Love you!


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