Chapter 1

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"Justin, the baby, she's coming now, hurry up with the bag... damn it Angel, JUSTIN. Where are you?"

Justin's POV
This is really nerve racking. Caring for a baby will ruin my life. I can't believe that I got her pregnant and we were going to wait until I was 30. No right after we got married she had to get pregnant, no travel time, no honeymoon, just lets have a baby. I am so not ready for this and I've told her for the past 8 years of my life. "Marissa I'll be there in a moment. It takes many hours until the baby is here, your water hasn't even brok..."
"Are you fucking bullshitting me now. Okay, now we're going to have a baby."

"Justin, I can feel her head!
I think we are having her here."

"Marissa, no we finally just got the house reservations finished. Fuck my life."

Marissa's POV
I just can't believe Angel will be here soon. I wanted a baby. But I haven't even got my job to work at Central Elementary School.

"Justin, the towels are in our room, I knew we would have to do this. Hot water is what we will need also. Sanitize your hands babe, call the ambulance too."

"Marissa, I don't know if I can do this! I've never delivered a baby before."

"Justin, you can do this, I can help you, I've gone through with this by watching my mother give birth to many kids at home. Don't worry. I love you darling."

"I love you too baby. Let's have us a baby."

Justin's POV
I just think to myself. Imagining what Marissa and I could be doing instead of delivering this baby *Push baby push*. It just never occurred to me that today on January 3, 2023 we would have our first baby. It was just like yesterday when we got married. Everything at that wedding went perfect. Her in the beautiful wedding dress, she was dazzling. The dress at the top had a heart shaped chest area, the diamonds that went all the way down to her waist lifted her. She gracefully walked down that aisle with her father. The bottom of that dress was silk, the dress it self was magnificent but when she was in it, the whole area of the church lit up. It was the most perfect dress ever. Her eyes glowed with every waking moment. I felt like I had never seen her before in my life. I fell in love with the very same girl I had met 9 years ago and she was beyond beautiful, way out of my league and I married her. Everyone gave us a hard time and then I look here today seeing how we are going to bring up our baby Angel into the world. I was brought out of my flashback by her screaming. *Push one more time Marissa, Angel is almost here* I never thought in my life I would be a dad this early. But just then I heard a beautiful cry and instead of it being a girl it was a boy. * Marissa it's a boy, how did this happen?* Marissa screams again. I see another head and I'm not sure how we were having twins but I told her to push again. * Marissa push again it looks like we are having twins!*
I look at our girl and our boy I wipe them off clean them and the ambulance shows up and they run in without knocking.

"Thank god you are here! Paramedics say, why didn't you call us any sooner? She could have bleed out onto your floor badly. Mr. Young you are very lucky."

"Leave my husband alone, I used to work as one of you guys and I know how fucking long it takes for you guys to get here, he called you 2 hours ago and now you show up, if I were you I would be apologizing. So leave my husband alone and get my babies and so to the fucking hospital."

"Yes ma'am," say the paramedics.

"I love you honey, come on lets go I want to hold my babies again."

Justin's POV
I never thought in my life I would hear her say that. She is definitely the best. I figured she would be exhausted to even say anything. I love her so much. Well now that we have twins I have no idea what she wants to name our baby boy! I would think maybe we could name him Michael Alexander after my brother. He passed away 6 years ago. He died of cancer. I still miss him. If I knew he was going to die this soon I should have spent more time. But everything happens for a reason. He was there when I graduated so we had a lot of fun with that! But after that year he died in September. I know Marissa will love to do that. Angel is a perfect name for our daughter. She is beautiful just like her mother. I remember the very first day I met my wife. It was when she was a freshman in high school. Except I was a junior in high school. I kissed her the day she said yes. I know it was fast but I knew we were meant to be. We broke up a lot and she gave me so many chances. We dated sometimes in secret because her parents really didn't like me but after she graduated from high school we promised each other that this would be our last time being together if we broke up that time we knew we wouldn't last being married but after that promise we stayed together all the way through the years of her going to college and getting a job working to pay for our house. We both worked very hard for what we wanted then. I still remember the day I proposed to her October 31st, 2018 I just got back from Japan with a friend. I spent a week there. She made me dinner that night. We spent the whole night together. I had the ring in my back pocket. I asked my dad if I could borrow his fire truck. He didn't mind. We went to our favorite secret spot and I had set out a week before I left a radio, chairs, some jars that had lights in them. To spell out when we got there will you marry me in the candle light of the jars on the ground. Everything went perfect. I lit up all the candles while she had her back turned to the tree, looking at our heart we made that first day of promises. She turned around and she started to cry. I was down on my knee, we were listening to her favorite song Hallelujah. And I popped the question and she just said stand up and come closer. She kissed me and said does that answer your question. In 2022 we were married and now it's 2023 and we now have our first kids. And I love it. We arrive at the hospital and they hook her up to the machines and she says, "I want to name our little baby boy Michael Alexander after your brother, darling." I kiss her on the forehead.

~ Thanks for reading. I know it's a long chapter I would like some ideas so hit me up guys love ya!!!

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